Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Of Course There Are Bad People Coming To The US--Not All But How Many?

Spanish-language network reporter reveals who is ‘infiltrating’ migrant caravan heading to US

Spanish-language network reporter reveals who is ‘infiltrating’ migrant caravan heading to US
A Spanish-language reporter covering the migrant caravan from Honduras said that he had seen several migrants from Bangladesh infiltrating the group. (John Moore/Getty Images)
A reporter for the Spanish-language network Univision revealed that he had met people from a Muslim-majority country were infiltrating the migrant caravan from Honduras headed towards the U.S. border.
“They infiltrated themselves in this caravan”
Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna was reporting from a bridge in Guatemala where the migrant caravan was attempting to cross into Mexico on their way to the United States. Santa Anna said he had himself met people from Bangladesh.
The Daily Caller reported a translation of Santa Anna’s claims as he reported from Mexico.
“The borders in Central American are not as strong as the U.S., which makes it possible for people from Panama and Ecuador to cross easily,” Santa Anna explained. “They cross from Costa Rica, then later go through Guatemala and eventually make it into our country.”
“Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh,” he continued.
“Can you imagine what they had to do to get here?” he said. “They infiltrated themselves in this caravan and tried to cross with the crowd. That would have benefited them greatly.”
Santa Anna continued to say that they were identified and detained by immigration officials.
Here’s the video of the report in Spanish from the Daily Caller:
Mexican officials appeared to listen to President Donald Trump’s demands to stop the caravan from arriving at the U.S. border, but recent reports indicate that some officials are aiding the migrants on their trek.
The Mexican ambassador to the U.S. admitted Thursday on Fox News that they believed the caravan to be at least in part politically motivated.
“We have evidence that this caravan is also very much politically motivated,” ambassador Gutierrez said. “We’re obviously sensitive to the humanitarian situation that we encounter, and we’re acting precisely.
“But we have also made very clear that there’s no legal ground on which Mexico can issue a permit by which people can just go through Mexico toward the United States,” he concluded.

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