Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sleazy Cartoonist Continues To Such

Earlier this week, a left-wing cartoonist poked fun at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s 10-year-old daughter for praying for the woman who has thrown her family into turmoil by accusing her father of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago.
Now another cartoonist, A.F. Branco, has come up with a response.
This one has a little boy kneeling at his bed and praying.
“Dear God,” he says. “Please don’t let the Democrats destroy my life with false accusations and sleazy politics like they did to Judge Kavanaugh.”
He explained, holding back tears, that Liza had wanted the family to pray for the “woman,” referring to Ford.
An editorial cartoon had a little girl praying at her bedside.
“Dear God, forgive my angry, lying, alcoholic father for sexually assaulting Dr. Ford,” said the caption.
Samaritan’s Purse CEO Franklin Graham reacted, saying the “God-haters” jumped even on that comment to try to destroy Kavanaugh.
“When Brett Kavanaugh’s daughter Liza said she was going to pray for Mrs. Ford, that warmed my heart, and I’m sure it touched millions of others as well,” Graham wrote.
“It’s obvious that this little girl has been brought up right.
“But wouldn’t you know that the God-haters would use this girl’s prayers to mock her, her faith, and her father.
“I believe in the power of prayer. I would encourage everyone to continue to pray for this confirmation. Our nation is in trouble – and the battle for the Supreme Court is being fought in full view of all Americans. Pray that God’s will be done,” he wrote.
Screen capture of cartoon
Screen capture of cartoon
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh also blasted the cartoonist, pointing out it was the same person who had mocked him shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.
Back then, a cartoon showed a fireman carrying a dead baby from the blast area saying, “Damn right-wing radio.”
Limbaugh recalled the cartoon appeared after President Clinton said that “angry voices on the right” were speaking out against him.nd Out More >
“There was only one voice on the right. In 1995, I was it. There were some local talk shows, but CNN’s the only cable out there. There’s no Fox News. There’s no blogosphere. There’s no alternative media. There aren’t really any conservative websites,” he said.
“Everything’s starting to blossom at that point, but this program nationally was still it four years after our founding. Clinton had blamed ‘angry voices on the right’ for Timothy McVeigh blowing up the building in Oklahoma City, the federal building. Of course, I was livid. I was not gonna accept that. We challenged the White House on it, and they issued a ‘correction,’ claiming, ‘No, we were talking about the Michigan militia short-wave radio,'” Limbaugh said.
He returned to Kavanaugh’s retelling of his daughter’s prayer.
“Judge Kavanaugh was starting to break down and tear up at that point, talking about the wisdom of his 10-year-old daughter,” Limbaugh said. “The same cartoonist is back in some publication, the Illinois something, Illinois journal or some such thing. The cartoon has now gone viral all over the web and on Twitter and some parts Facebook they love it.
“It’s the same cartoonist, 1995 to today. It’s just vile. It’s filthy. It’s dirty. It’s disgusting. It’s despicable. And it’s sick,” he said.
“Not a single element of that speech bubble has been established as anywhere near true, and it’s just… It flies in the face of decency. You know, you run out of descriptive adjectives when trying to describe this kind of thing.”
The cartoonist is Chris Britt.
Fox News was unable to get comment from Britt, and a snarky comment Britt left on Facebook about “Brett ‘I LOVE BEER’ Kavanaugh” was removed shortly later.


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