Saturday, October 6, 2018

Things Have Changed--Are You Aware Of Them?

The Greek philosopher Democritus was the first to suspect the existence of atoms. He also said that "Truth lies at the bottom of a well," since the water serves as a mirror to reflect back that which looks down on it.

But there's another meaning to the phrase that I was reminded of recently.

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvelous day today!" The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful.

They spend the day together walking in the pleasant sunshine, ultimately arriving at a well. The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together." The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undress and start bathing.

Suddenly, the Lie jumps out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away. The shocked Truth leaps out of the well and searches in futility to find the Lie and to get her clothes back.

The World, seeing the Truth naked, turns its gaze away, with contempt and rage.

The embarrassed Truth returns to the well and disappears, hiding its shame forever.

Since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because the World has no wish at all to meet the naked Truth.

Of course, we see this in all walks of life today. You are seeing it on display in the Kabuki Theater of the election process, and you saw it with regard to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The Truth hides while The Lie goes on full display, masquerading for us all. Notwithstanding the fact that the founding fathers would have been shocked that the Court has become so important. Although they and everyone else seem to think they do, a cabal of elitist-educated lawyers in league with the Prince of Darkness do not have authority over our lives.

What is the lie?

In fact, we live in an America our Founding Fathers wouldn't even recognize. They certainly wouldn't approve of it.

America, land of the free? Hardly. That's a lie. The lie is liberty. There is no individualism, or freedom.

You think you are free? After all, we have a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that "preserves" our freedoms.

Yet anyone with a view contrary to the mainstream is now "de-platformed" from the "social media" that has ensnared everyone's consciousness.

How did this happen? Remember that governments want and must have collectivism under some name whether it be democracy or communism.

Collectivism is a certain means of social, economic and religious control. Social media is collectivism. Politicians regularly espouse individualism, human liberty and democracy at the same time. Impossible! Individualism and human liberty are opposite to democracy and any other form of collectivism.

Until the people accept collectivism under some pretext, they are not docile and completely subdued.

Collectivism is so well accepted now that well-known "conservatives" and "family values" leaders now accept the idea that rights and liberties are handed down from government and not from God. The constant fight between the branches of collectivist politicians is over which group of them is going to increase the power of the state, not who is going to limit state power and how.

In this fact alone, we find the explanation for why freedom has disappeared in the world. Virtually everyone is a collectivist now. Under the various banners of power, collectivism recruits the masses into globalism. Recruitment is now viral, right there in the palm of our hands, delivering a small hit of dopamine and rewarding us for handing over our souls to the collectivists. It is called "social media" for a reason. The first failure in mental growth is failure to read and depending on the media to program our minds.

No one ever learns anything until they expand their thinking to challenge the status quo. There are only a few of this kind of people.

We will never get the truth from the controlled media. The inner elite who rule the world control all major sources of the media. They very carefully and deliberately prescribe organized propaganda to build a thought system which subverts the population to think and act in perfect harmony with the system. People literally do not think their own thoughts. The proof of this is widespread mimicking of daily social media trends.

What is the truth?

The fact is that the more things remain the same, the more they change. Here again, it is stealth and gradualism that is imperceptible to most people. There are no really great shocking occasions when tens, hundreds, or thousands will join in protest. If you see this today, it has been planned and paid for by operatives. If what is happening right now had happened in the 50s, it would have put people into shock. But it has become acceptable over a long period of time.

In the meantime, there have been hundreds of little steps, most of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Suddenly the world you live in, your nation, your friend, is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are still there, all untouched, all reassuring; the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit — which you never notice, because you made the life-long mistake of identifying it with the forms — has changed.

Now you have awakened into a world of hate and fear and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves. Because when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. If you were to see the naked truth, you would see what you are, what you have done, or more accurately, what you have not done. For that is all that is required of most of us, that we do nothing. Because the naked truth is hidden from us.

So, we wake up one day and everything has changed and deteriorated, and we have waited too late for a refusal to see thigs how they are.

We still hear the politicians and media shouting "democracy" and "The Constitution," and "decency" and "equality," which has all finally begun to sicken those who have seen the naked truth: That we have come under totalitarian and fascist domination. Who will deliver us now from this nightmare? We have failed in taking responsibility for our own survival and the future of our children.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™ 

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