Friday, October 26, 2018

We Would Be Very Surprised If A Conservative Sent The Bombs. If So He/She Is Stupid Beyond Comprehension And Should Be Jailed For Years! (Maybe In A Mental Facility!)

Limbaugh: Were Bomb Threats A 'False Flag' Operation?

"Would it make a lot of sense for a Democrat operative or Democrat-inculcated lunatic to do it?"

Radio talk show host and political commentator Rush Limbaugh looks on from the sideline before a National Football League game between the San Diego Chargers and Pittsburgh Steelers at Heinz Field on October 4, 2009 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Photo by George Gojkovich/Getty Images
Were the intercepted bombs mailed to various high profile Democrats actually sent in some sort of "false flag" operation to help Democrats at the ballot box come November?, asked conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday.
Law enforcement confirmed Wednesday that potentially-explosive packages sent in the mail were addressed to seven big name Democrats: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Democratic mega-donor George Soros, former CIA chief John Brennan, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Limbaugh openly questioned why any right-winger would be behind such an operation when Republicans have been dominating politically and such acts would only work to hurt the party. Implying some sort of left-wing operation, Rush asked if "these bombs were intended to be discovered in screening" and not actually meant to cause harm to the individuals addressed on the packages.
"Were these bombs intended to be discovered in screening?" asked Limbaugh. He also questioned how "someone smart enough to make a bomb" could be "dumb" enough to think such packages would actually be sent to Soros or Obama.
"It doesn’t make any sense for a Republican or conservative to do this," suggestedthe talk show host. "If they really care about winning these elections, this makes no sense to do. This is gonna be instant fodder for the Democrats and the media to blame it on Trump and his supporters. .... It doesn’t make any sense for ... a Republican or conservative, to do this, if they care about the elections. None whatsoever."
It would, however, make sense if a Democrat(s) were behind the devices, suggested Limbaugh. Everything has backfired on the Democrats, from their wild tactic with now Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh to their uptick in "mob" tactics, he noted.
"Would it make a lot of sense for a Democrat operative or Democrat-inculcated lunatic to do it? Because things are not working out the way they thought," he said, adding, "Things that are supposed to cement it, like the Kavanaugh trick backfires, and these mobs are backfiring. They are not achieving their objectives."
"What sense does it make for a conservative Republican to gum up the works here by sending a bunch of bombs that are not gonna go off and that are gonna be discovered? It doesn’t make any sense in any way, shape, manner, or form," emphasized the radio host.
Limbaugh then read the following tweet from freelance journalist Alessandra Bocchi: "As a journalist, my job is to be skeptical. Terrorist attacks are committed during times of desperation, not victory. People who’ve won against Obama/Clintons/Soros have no reason to attack them now, when they’ve all but become irrelevant."
"Exactly my point!" Limbaugh exclaimed.
"I asked it just a moment ago: Who on our side's worried about the Clintons? We’re laughing at 'em. A nationwide stadium tour with Bill and Hillary? Are they gonna have the 'Bimbo Eruption Section' where those babes get comped? And Obama? Folks, Obama? I’m telling you, he can’t draw crowds. He’s out there trying to claim credit for this economy when he wouldn’t know how to create it!" he continued. "In fact, the Democrats are the people that have people on their side that love bombs! Bill Ayers! One of Obama's buddies, in fact. I'm not saying that there’s any connection. Do not misunderstand me. But Alessandra Bocchi is right on the money here."
"There are no coincidences with [the Clintons]," posited Limbaugh.
"In fact, you know, you say these are all deep state players — Soros, Bill and Hillary, Obama and so forth. It is curious. They’re not even on the radar in the midterms when you get down to it, other than they’re trying to get themselves on the radar. But see, that’s the thing. They’re trying to get noticed," he said. "The Clintons desperately need to be noticed all the time, and Obama is trying to recapture some glory, trying to show everybody he can still move the needle. It isn’t working."

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