Monday, October 29, 2018

Where Was The Liberal Outrage When White Powder Was Sent To Don Jr?

Vanessa Trump opens up about ‘horrifying’ February mail scare: ‘The longest two weeks of my life’

October 28, 2018 by Jerry McCormick
Vanessa Trump opens up about ‘horrifying’ February mail scare: ‘The longest two weeks of my life’Photo via Inside Edition Youtube Video
The recent slew of hate crimes spanning the country has brought back some horrible memories for the soon-to-be ex-wife of Donald Trump, Jr.
“Back in February, I opened an envelope intended for my husband Don, which covered my face, hands, and clothing in white powder and left me terrified,” Vanessa Trump recalled
She went on: “I was rushed to the hospital, evaluated, and put on Cipro for the longest two weeks of my life, and while they worked to identify whether the white powder was deadly, I spent the entire time thinking about the horrifying possibility that I would never see my five beautiful children again.”

Forever Scarred

Even though the incident was a hoax, it was clearly traumatizing for Mrs. Trump, who now cannot open a simple letter without a chill running down her spine.
This will be something that stays with her forever.
The man behind the “prank” was Daniel Frisiello.
The 24-year-old man ended up pleading guilty to 13 counts of mailing a threat to injure and 6 counts of false information and hoaxes.

The Hypocrisy

There is a major difference in how the media treats incidents like these — and it is adding to the divide in this country.
When that incident occurred alongside threats to the president, the media treated the attackers like they were rogue extremists that had nothing at all to do with Democrats — and ignored the hateful rhetoric being spewed by Democrats in office.
They also ignored the rhetoric from several high-profile liberal stars and entertainers calling for the death or President Trump.
Every single one of them got a free pass.
Now, though, the media wants to hold President Trump directly responsible for the recent mail attacks on high profile Democrats.
They are also claiming the massacre at the Pittsburgh synagogue is on Trump’s hands.
They seem to have forgotten that more than a dozen mass shootings occurred while former President Barack Obama was in office.

Do you think Americans will ever feel united again?

In fact, there were multiple shootings aimed at Jews and gays, yet none of those were Obama’s fault.
Seems like we’ve found yet another liberal double standard.

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