Friday, November 30, 2018

Another Lie The Media Tells

Media's Border Bias Exposed

  • 2018-11-30 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
5 2 0  31
Media's Border Bias Exposed

The media is losing their collective minds over the fact that border patrol
used tear gas on the migrants that were storming the border. The hypocrisy
 in their coverage became exposed when it was revealed that under the
 Obama administration migrants were tear-gassed multiple times while the
media remained silent.

According to Fox News:
Media outlets that are hyperventilating over the Border Patrol's use of tear

gas and pepper spray on illegal immigrants ignored the practice during the

Obama administration, and even now gloss over past precedent in the rush

to condemn President Trump.


As a result, CNN and MSNBC have both spent significant time bashing the

use of tear gas under President Trump, but the mainstream media essentially

ignored it when Obama-era Border Patrol agents did the exact same thing.

A search of CNN and MSNBC available transcripts for of reports for tear gas

or pepper spray at the Southern border under Obama yielded zero results.

The Associated Press mentioned it a few times and ABC’s “Good Morning

America” reported it once. Other than that, coverage was limited to local

newspapers and NBC’s San Diego affiliate.


During the Obama administration, tear gas was used on the border 26 times

in 2012, 27 times in 2013, 15 times in 2014, eight times in 2015, and three

times in 2016. That compares to 18 times in 2017 and 29 times in 2018

during the Trump administration. As for pepper spray, the Obama

administration used it 95 times in 2012, 151 times in 2013, 109 times

in 2014, 30 times in 2015 and 56 times in 2016, the data shows --

compared to 56 times in 2017 and 43 times in 2018 during the Trump

It is also being reported that the Obama administration used tear gas
 on migrants more than once a month during the latter part of his second
term in office. Another free pass for Obama it seems.


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