Friday, November 9, 2018

Blasey Ford Affair Is A Cluster

Senator Chuck Grassley Reports Kavanaugh Liars for Prosecution

While the House may be spinning its wheels for a while since Tuesday night’s mid-term elections, the Senate is primed to ensure that Justice Brett Kavanaugh gets his life back.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, released the committee’s report that confirms what we all already knew: there “was no credible evidence to support the allegations against Kavanaugh”
Less than a month ago Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, along with multiple outrageous sexual assault allegations against him, dominated the 24/7 news cycle but ever since the swearing in any updates to this story have largely gone unreported.
The Daily Wire commented that the report shows that the committee “spoke with 45 individuals and took 25 written statements relating to the various allegations made in the course of the Supreme Court confirmation process.”
Grassley was complimentary of the FBI investigation ordered by the committee that led to no “evidence to substantiate or corroborate any of the allegations.”
But the committee didn’t just exonerate Kavanaugh, it set in motion a reckoning for witnesses who gave false statements and otherwise attempted to manipulate the hearings.
The committee notes that it has submitted a number of people to the Justice Department for review for “potential violations of Senate rules, potential witness tampering, and potentially false statements made to the Committee in violation of federal law,” including creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, and Kavanaugh-accusers Julie Swetnick and Judy Munro-Leighton.
Part of the report states, “All interviews were conducted in an objective and fair manner aimed at producing a final determination of fact with respect to the allegations levied against Justice Kavanaugh. In order to accomplish that, investigators conducted extensive interviews with individuals who knew Justice Kavanaugh in high school and college; investigators also conducted extensive interviews with individuals who knew the accusers in order to better weigh the credibility of their allegations. In sum, the Committee spoke to 45 individuals and collected 25 written statements.”
Regarding Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s initial claims of sexual misconduct the committee contacted every person she claimed as witnesses – Mark Judge, Patrick J. (P.J.) Smyth, and Leland Keyser – along with 14 of Ford’s and Kavanaugh’s former classmates.
After interviewing all 17 people the committee found that “None of them had any knowledge of the conduct alleged against Justice Kavanaugh by Dr. Ford or of the gathering at which she claimed to have been assaulted,” the committee underscores.”
As many suspected, it now appears that Ford has proven to be not so reliable a witness as first presented.
Grassley’s report also exposed an inconsistency in Ford’s testimony that had been previously unknown concerning the alleged sexual assault. During the hearings, Ford testified that the main effect of Kavanaugh’s purported assault happened during “the initial four years after the event.”
Since Ford claimed the attacked happened in 1982, the main effect she spoke of would have been between 1982 and 1986. She expanded on the effects, saying: “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in college. When I was 17 and went off to college, I had a very hard time, more so than others, forming new friendships and especially friendships with boys, and I had academic problems.”
A former college acquaintance of Ford’s told the Judiciary Committee he has a far different remembrance of her during that time period. Ford’s testimony under oath was that the attack left her “introverted and unable to relate to other men at college. Her male college friend told the committee that Ford had “a fairly active and robust social life” in college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In a letter to the committee, he added that Ford “seemed to have … more guy friends perhaps than females,” and that she attended “frat house parties, some crowded and lasting very late in the evening.” He also directly contradicted her claim to “be afraid to be in rooms or apartments with only one entrance.”
The biggest takeaway from the report is that it is just the starting point that may lead to indictments over the months to come.
Grassley said, “Committee investigators will refer for investigation by the Justice Department and FBI any potential violations of federal law, when warranted. These referrals will identify individuals who appear to have made materially false statements … otherwise obstructed the Committee’s investigation.”
Voters tend to have a short memory so hopefully, this report will remind them of how low Democrats were willing to go to torpedo an innocent man’s life. There is no low too low for Democrats in their fight against President Trump and in their quest for power over America.

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