Tuesday, November 13, 2018

If You Believed That Democrats Would Like To Govern, You Would Be Mistaken. They Want To Investigate Everyone On The Trump Team And More!

Nancy Pelosi’s hit list revealed (85 targets!)

House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have a plan to grind the U.S. government to a screeching halt — and they’re going to do it by launching investigation after investigation into President Donald Trump.
In fact, Democrats have eyed a list of at least 85 subpoenas they’re prepared to issue to Trump and Republican leaders, once Democrats are officially are given control of the House of Representatives.

Doing so would be an unprecedented act of political partisanship that will drive a wedge further through America’s political landscape. And it will start in January, incoming House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff told “Axios on HBO“on Sunday.
It won’t happen all at once, of course. Each Democrat-controlled House subcommittee will prioritize what it views as the most pressing topics, and will put them forward one at a time.
One after another after another after another, until the White House legal team is completely overwhelmed.
A Democratic insider said the party is preparing ammunition for a “subpoena cannon” they’re planning to load and fire at-will.
“We have our boxing gloves on,” incoming House Appropriations Chair Nita said on Sunday, telling the interviewer they’ll investigate “anything” they want.

“I’m ready [to rumble],” a laughing Nita said. “And so is Nancy.”

Here’s a brief list of targets Axios said Democrats have already gotten paperwork lined up and ready for —
  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey’s firing
  • Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
  • White House staff’s personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances
And many, many more.
After the 2018 midterm, Trump warned Democratic leaders that their “warlike” approach to governance will lead to retaliations.

Asked if he’ll launch investigations back at Democrats trying to bog down his administration, Trump said, “Oh yeah. Better than them.”
In a few months, we’ll find out if Pelosi and her Democratic allies are actually interested in governing — or just playing political theater.

FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi accused of bribery

— The Horn editorial team

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