Monday, November 12, 2018

Parkland Killer Allowed To Register To Vote

Broward County Registered Notorious Serial Killer to Vote From Jail

  • 2018-11-12 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
38 23 2  301
Broward County Registered Notorious Serial Killer to Vote From Jail
By Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Broward County, Florida is once again at the center of a scandal involving
 incompetence, at best, and election fraud at worst.

Amid reports of years of controversies bedeviling Broward County Elections
Supervisor Brenda Snipes – including counting unlawful votes, destroying
 ballots, violating state law, and ignoring deadlines – a Parkland shooting
victim's father brought something else to light that made him "sick to [his]
stomach." (Daily Wire)

In July, while in jail for murdering 17 students and staff members at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School — including Andrew Pollack's

daughter Meadow — the Parkland shooter was successfully registered to

vote, in a process overseen by Snipes' office.

Referring to the suspect's case number, 18-1958, Pollack brought attention

to the voter registration of the suspect while awaiting trial for mass murder

and slammed Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for allowing the process

to take place.

"I'm sick to my stomach. 18-1958 murdered 17 students & staff, including

my daughter Meadow. Yet in July, Broward Sheriff @ScottJIsrael let people

into the jail to get him & other animals registered to vote.The Despicable

Democrats have no shame. Can't let them steal this election," Pollack wrote.


"It's just outrageous and so hurtful to the victims and the families of the

Parkland massacre to see this," Broward Commissioner Michael Udine

agreed, the Sun-Sentinel reports. "Regardless of the legality, it doesn’t

negate the pain and the hurt when the people of northwest Broward who

were affected by this monster see something like this."
 Source: AAN


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