Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Hostility Of The Left Displayed At Disney World

Disney Shows it’s Political Bias by Ejecting Pro-Trump Marine Vet

When a CNN personality is rude, obnoxious, refuses to follow White House protocol and even uses force to prevent a female intern from doing her job, a federal judge says his press credential must be returned. But when a former U.S. Marine holds up a “Trump 2020” sign at Walt Disney World, he’s banned for life. Welcome to the upside-down, post-Obama America.
Wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, ex-Marine Dion Cini waved a “Trump 2020” sign on Splash Mountain in Disney. The 49-year-old veteran had been collecting pics of himself supporting the MAGA president who has reversed decades of economic decline, curtailed nuclear aggression with North Korea, and restored America’s military strength. Splash Mountain was a photo-op the New Yorker couldn’t pass up.
“I held up the sign for two seconds, so I can take a picture,” Cini reportedly said. “You’re allowed to hold up signs on Disney rides — cameras, cell phones, and other stuff like that. People have been doing it for years. They just kicked me out ’cause of the context of the sign.”
Disney didn’t just ask Cini to stop waving his sign or ask him to leave politely. No, Disney came at Cini 40 strong in what can only be viewed as an effort to intimidate the pro-America vet. Although Disney claims they acted appropriately and the corporation’s malice toward the former Marine was not politically motivated, there’s a troubling history toward Cini and his right to free speech.
Cini is a long-time Disney-goer, and each time he has expressed his support for the president, Disney has pushed back with words that sound like Democrat political talking points.
“Walt Disney World welcomes all Guests to enjoy our parks,” a Disney spokesperson reportedly said. “However, demonstrations and the display of signs and banners are not permitted on the premises.”
In 2017, he suffered a temporary ban from the Magic Kingdom for a Trump 2020 banner. Disney officials appear to claim that being pro-Trump borders on insurrection. He was eventually allowed back in, only to have Disney again try to crack down on his Constitutional right to free speech.
“The second time, I just held up a small sign…and I did not incite a crowd. So, I actually proved my own theory. That they kicked me out ’cause of the context of the sign and not the policy,” Cini reportedly said.
But no record of ejecting people for pro-Obama or pro-Hillary displays have been reported. Disney also openly supports “Pride” days and encourages LBGT people from displaying their political views openly. Regardless of Disney’s attempt to claim fair treatment, the facts just do not support their assertions. Unfortunately, Disney is just an ailing cell in a body politic that became critically ill during the Obama years.
After eight years of breaking the rules and sometimes the law to get what they want, Democrats and left-leaning individuals have grown to believe that their rights are protected but other Americans are not. Basically, if you are not left you are wrong and unworthy of the same legal protections.
While Cini was coerced to leave after being confronted by a wall of 40 Disney workers, CNN’s Jim Acosta was recently granted an injunction that allows him to disrupt and disrespect White House officials. Acosta has a long history of refusing to yield to reporters at White House press briefings, hurling racist comments while the president is interacting with children and many other unprofessional incidents.
Many gatherings include upwards of 150 members of the press and Acosta repeatedly insists on holding the mic after his question has been answered, preventing media outlets from doing their job. After being stripped of his “hard pass” that allows free access to the White House, a federal judge says that the fake news personality’s access must be restored. Somehow left-wing zealots, no matter how outrageous their behavior, cannot be penalized. It’s a topsy-turvy America.
Consider what has transpired in just the last year in America. Obama cronies and Democrats called for harassment and violence of Americans who disagree with them. Penalty? Pushback? Crickets.
Groups such as Antifa attack elderly, women, burn cars and throw bricks at police. Denounced by the left? Again, crickets. Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi were both asked point blank to denounce them and they both refused.
Pres. Trump posthumously honors Elvis Presley with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Praise? A Washington Post columnist called him racist for the nod. Are we living in the Twilight Zone? Certainly.
But don’t fault Disney for their bias. The country continues to suffer dementia instilled by the Obama-era assault on human values. After eight years of dividing white against black, rich against poor, urban residents against rural Americans, the cure for hate will take time. Consider Cini’s boots on the ground pronouncement.
“Banned for life from Walt Disney World for the 2nd time in a month,” Cini reportedly wrote on Facebook. “They hate my signs or the President? Maybe both?”

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