Monday, December 24, 2018

If Adopted This Would Crater The Economy For A Long Time

Sen. Cory Booker Declares Support For Radical “Green New Deal”

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The Green New Deal, a far-left agenda that would require the government to become heavily involved in job creation and renewable energy development, is fast becoming mainstream as Democrats in search of a catchy slogan embrace the concept as their own.
Sen. Cory Booker, who is reportedly seriously considering a presidential run, has now formally embraced the Green New Deal as part of his platform. Naturally, his move has garnered considerable praise as activists and mainstream media news outlets alike fawn over the senator’s new progressive stance.
The Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats alike are overjoyed that a senior Democrat would support their position, and are actively pushing for other Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives to follow suit. However, those who have had a close look at the Green New Deal will be alarmed to see that there is a lot more to it than initially meets the eye.
The aspects of the Green New Deal that are getting the most attention are the proposals to end fossil fuel emissions by the year 2030, the idea of using federal funds to back green energy initiatives, and the proposal to use government funding to create eco-friendly jobs for anyone who wants one. The latter amounts to a federal Jobs guarantee that would provide workers across the United States with full-time employment that pays at least $15 an hour and includes cushy benefits such as medical insurance and paid holidays.
If this is all you know about the plan, it might sound harmless. However, the Green New Deal is in fact a four-part program, and much of it has nothing to do with combating the effects of “man-made” climate change. It includes calls for the government to provide free college, Medicare and affordable housing for all — all with no account of how much this will all cost, or if it is even really worth the taxpayer money.
The Green New Deal encourages the creation of non-profit banks and utilities while imposing strict regulations on rich corporations. The last part of the plan would abolish the Electoral College set down by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. It also calls for the creation of a Corporation of Economic Democracy that would promote “cooperative development” and encourage government agencies, private associations and businesses to participate in “democratic reforms”. Really, this is less of a tree hugging fantasy and more of a Trojan horse for every hard-left policy that has destroyed republics in the past.
A close look reveals the Green New Deal is a plan for massive government involvement in the private sector as well as the lives of all ordinary Americans. What is more, there is no mention of who will pay for all the free stuff for everyone. The only way to pay for these massive programs would be to substantially raise taxes — and not just on the rich.
The Green New Deal is one that ordinary Americans will likely be hearing a lot about for the foreseeable future. Sen. Bernie Sanders has already embraced it along with Sen. Booker. Sen. Jeff Merkley, another Democrat who is considering a presidential run, has said he wants to create his own Green New Deal proposal should be actually run for the presidency. Sen. Kamala Harris has expressed interest in the Green New Deal, and said via a spokesperson that she supports its goals.
Should any one of these left-leaning individuals win the presidency in 2020 or afterwards, the nation could face drastic changes as government involvement in the day to day lives of every single person drastically increases in the name of “saving the planet” and “creating a secure, sustainable future.”
~ Conservative Zone

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