Monday, December 24, 2018

Leftists Prove Their Immaturity

Read the Vile Hate Mail the Wounded

 Warrior Behind #GoFundTheWall Received

  • 2018-12-23 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
2 1 1  21
Read the Vile Hate Mail the Wounded Warrior Behind #GoFundTheWall Received
By U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos (120926-F-YA200-150) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Goaded by famous liberals including Jimmy Kimmel and Alyssa Milano,
 unhinged leftists have sent a tidal wave of despicable threats to triple-amputee
 veteran Brian Kolfage.

On Thursday, Kimmel used his woke late night show to trash every single
 one of the 260,000 people who have donated to Kolfage's GoFundMe,
calling them "dopey people" who are "dipping into their meth money."

Kolfage provided Gateway Pundit with unedited threats he received afterward

online – all for raising money for a cause he believes in.

Ralph Cramden asked the decorated veteran if his brain was amputated, 
too. He proceeded to call Kolfage's wife a "blonde c--t."

Peter Lopez called Kolfage a "handicapped b---h," adding "I'm happy to
 see you in that wheelchair."

Another ideologue, Carlos Lopez, told the most severely wounded airmen 
survive his injuries in Iraq that losing his limbs was "pre-karma."

Cathy Cruz called Kolfage "sick n pathetic!" and added that it's no wonder
 he lost his limbs in Iraq.

Multiple people urged the veteran to commit suicide. 

According to Veteran Affairs' suicide statistics, 16.8 veterans and 3.8
 active-duty service members commit suicide every day.

For his part, Kolfage remains upbeat, telling Gateway Pundit:

"Liberals are showing their true colors again. When they don’t agree with something they go low… real low. And it’s because this generation has become weak immature brats who can’t handle a normal debate without being triggered by use of wrong pronouns or a white male; welcome to the real world where safe spaces don’t exist."
 Source: AAN


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