Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Violent Antifa Leader Associates With----Democrats!

Violent Antifa Leader's Identity

  • 2018-12-19 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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Violent Antifa Leader's Identity EXPOSED


The leader of Smash Racism DC, the most prominent Antifa group in the nation's capital, used aliases to foment political unrest and often violence while hiding his true identity.

By day, Joseph "Jose" Alcoff works closely with powerful legislators, including luminaries such as Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.). Photojournalists have taken pictures of him rubbing shoulders with Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, a possible Trump challenger, and resistance firebrand Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

In 2016, the 36-year-old joined Americans for Financial Reform, a progressive nonprofit organization advocating for stricter regulation of Wall Street.

Under the aliases Jose Martin and "Chepe," Alcoff is a radical communist and Antifa leader. He advocates for violent revolution, the murder of the rich, and claims to have participated in socialist movements worldwide.

Alcoff's group, Smash Racism DC, chased Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant and attempted to storm the home of Tucker Carlson, while his wife cowered in the pantry closet.

Washington Metropolitan police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. (The Daily Caller)

Alcoff left nearly no connections between his real identity and Jose Martin and Chepe, but a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation of public records, social media posts, media reports, books, protest videos and podcasts dating back to 2004 found that all three identities are actually one person, posting online from the Twitter handle @Sabokitty.

He has used his Jose Martin identity to make public appearances to promote socialism, once calling for a society without police. But his communist Chepe alias makes his Jose Martin identity seem moderate, using it to advocate for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government.

Alcoff, who’s been involved in radical movements for decades, seeks to create “a world that is without capitalism, without private property … that is socialist and communist,” he’s said as Chepe.

He’s been an organizer for left-wing movements such as Occupy Wall Street; has close ties to left-wing legal groups such as the National Lawyers Guild; has conducted legal trainings for protesters as a member of Cop Watch; and has frequently appeared on mainstream and far-left media to discuss his radical vision for society.

The Department of Homeland Security classified Antifa's tactics as "domestic terrorist violence."


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