Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Will French Rulers Follow The Will Of The People Or Globalist Demands?

France’s Yellow Jackets Demand Trump-Style Changes

French citizens have officially joined the “Great Again” populist revolution that is sweeping out political elitists and insisting on Trumpian reforms.
Thousands of so-called Yellow Jackets swarmed France’s major cities in a violent revolt demanding an end to globalist policies that are breaking the backs of working-class people. The riots were sparked by French Pres. Emmanuel Macron leveling a massive fuel tax designed to keep the EU nation in line with emissions reductions agreed to in the now-infamous Paris Climate accord.
Pres. Donald J. Trump refused to follow Obama-era policies to reduce fossil fuel-related emissions by upwards of 30 percent because it would be devastating to the U.S. economy and working Americans. The American strongman’s predictions have swiftly come to pass as gasoline prices and Paris accord-related taxes have crippled the French people’s ability to earn a living wage.
Although Macron has backed down from the Yellow Jackets and removed the fuel tax, the well-known elitist now faces a populist uprising that threatens his rule. The smug Macron was quick to look down his nose at Pres. Trump’s MAGA policies that supported working Americans over globalist ideologies. Now scores of French citizens are demanding economic changes that bear a striking resemblance to the Trump Administration’s “America First” leadership.
Yellow Jacket revolutionaries have published a manifesto outlining their demands that include the following economic reforms.
  • A 25-percent cap on taxes.
  • A 40-percent increase in pensions and welfare programs.
  • Immediate public-sector hiring to re-institute declining public services.
  • Housing projects to provide shelter for the country’s 5 million homeless.
  • Penalties for elected officials who fail to provide adequate services for homeless people.
  • Regulate massive banks that are considered “too big to fail.”
  • Cancellation of unreasonable interest rate-related debt.
Based on the Yellow Jackets’ demand, it appears self-evident that France has fallen into a recession-like state and is unable to provide basic services for its heavily-taxed citizens. The unemployment rate exceeded 9 percent in France with more than 2 million people out of work. Those statistics have been worsening under Macron’s globalist policies. Yellow Jacket leaders are demanding wholesale political changes to prevent further government overreach by the Macron administration and those that follow.
  • A series of constitutional amendments protecting citizen’s economic interests and a binding referendum.
  • A ban on lobbyists influencing political decisions.
  • Frexit: France would follow Britain and leave the EU and regain its complete sovereignty and put a stop to taking in massive numbers of refugees. (France voted to regain its sovereignty in 2005, but the referendum was ignored by elitist politicians)
  • Tax reform targeting ultra-wealthy French citizens.
  • Education reform.
  • Increase law enforcement officers.
  • End mass media monopolies that engage in biased political reporting and propaganda.
These reform demands are strikingly similar to those the Trump Administration has put in place in less than two years. It also appears France suffers from the same type of biased, fake news media reporting Pres. Trump has named “the enemy of the people.” The Yellow Jackets are calling for an end to the biased liberal reporting that shepherded Macron into office and has insulated his damaging policies from open scrutiny.
During the run-up to the 2017 French election, Marine Le Pen ran against Macron on the populist platform of “Make France Great Again.” With an Obama-like globalist winning, France has suffered a tremendous decline in terms of education, employment, and political transparency. Pres. Trump has repeatedly supported the French people’s quest to restore representative Democracy.
“By the way, there is no country more Nationalist than France, very proud people-and rightfully so!” Pres. Trump tweeted in response to news of the Yellow Jackets protests. “MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!”
The Yellow Jacket demands are not considered out of the norm among French citizens, despite the fake news propaganda efforts to make them appear radical. It’s important to keep in mind that the French people voted in an orderly fashion to exit the EU in 2005 and the globalist policies that have caused them great pain and suffering. When a government fails to yield to the peaceful will of its people, it becomes a dictatorship. Violent measures and revolution are the only tools an oppressed people have at their disposal.
It seems odd to consider a developed European nation as oppressed, but the Macron regime has removed even the semblance of a government by the people. But looking closely at the Yellow Jackets’ foreign affairs demands, it appears these also reflect the Trump Administration’s concerns.
  • Exit from NATO and foreign wars.
  • End the flow of immigrants into France.
The excessive control French liberals have over media and propaganda resources in France may have slowed the political winds of change. But make no mistake about it, the French people are demanding a Trumpian revolution. Viva la France and MAGA!

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