Saturday, June 30, 2018

That's One Way To Empty The Jails!

Iraqi PM orders all convicted terrorists executed

June 29, 2018
Iraqi PM orders all convicted terrorists executedImage via Joseph Sohm /
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is drawing a line in the sand with terrorists.
PM al-Abadi has ordered all convicted terrorists against Iraq will be executed.

Tipping Point

Virtually from his first day in office, President Trump has been demanding leadership in Middle Eastern countries need to step up if they expect the United States to continue to help them.
While response has been tepid at best, something happened over the last few days to change that.
Several days ago, the bodies of eight ISIS captives were found dead by the side of the road just outside of Baghdad.
Afterwards, the PM vowed to get revenge in the most dramatic of fashion.
PM al-Abadi stated, “Our security and military forces will take forceful revenge against these terrorist cells.”“We promise that we will kill or arrest those who committed this crime,” he added.
In addition to seeking out those that actually committed this atrocity, he has also ordered the death of terrorists currently in custody.
His office has “ordered the immediate execution of terrorists condemned to death whose sentences have passed the decisive stage.”

Dead Men (and Women) Walking

According to reports, there are roughly 300 prisoners on death row in Iraq.
Included in those are at least 100 women.
The bulk of the women on death row are believed to be from the Soviet Republic.
The Iraqis did not provide any information regarding the men in custody.

Do You Support the Iraqi PM Putting These Terrorists to Death?

However, it has been reported that one man is from Russia and another is from Belgium.
While Iran has claimed victory of ISIS, its military continues to conduct operations along the Syrian border.

The Uninformed, Anti-Trump Protest This Weekend. Fools!

Protests against Trump immigration policy expected nationwide


Protesters are expected to demonstrate nationwide on Saturday against President Trump’s immigration policies.
A coalition of groups has announced the “Families Belong Together” march, which will take place in Washington, D.C., along with events in 50 states nationwide.
The coalition includes the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the National Domestic Workers Alliance.
Organizers suggest participants wear the color white to display “unity.”
The Washington, D.C., protest, which will take place in Lafayette Square near the White House, is slated to feature several speakers, including Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda.
The scheduled protests come as the Trump administration continues to face the fallout from its “zero tolerance” immigration policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The policy, unveiled in April when Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed the Justice Department to prioritize the criminal prosecution of individuals who try to illegally cross the border, led to the separation of children from their families.
President Trump earlier this month signed an executive order permitting families to remain together, but the administration continues to face backlash.
Protesters on Thursday organized a sit-in, called #WomenDisobey, at the Hart Senate Office building on Capitol Hill to demonstrate against the administration’s immigration policies. Many protesters at the demonstration also used the #FamiliesBelongTogether hashtag.
Organizers of the impending Saturday protest said there are 710 events arranged across the nation.

McCaskill, The Typical Democrat--Out Of Touch, Wanting Only To Oppose What Americans Need

The Rough Life of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill

John Loudon
Posted: Jun 30, 2018 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of
The Rough Life of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill
Can you imagine the pain of having to use your private jet because you broke your thousand-dollar tablet and couldn’t stand a creaky drawer in your luxury RV?
Such is the rough life of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.
Senator McCaskill’s phony campaign RV tour — parts of which she spent traveling on her private jet — definitively demonstrates how out of touch she is with hard working Missourians.

When confronted with evidence of her dishonesty about her private jet, McCaskill whined, "I added some stops with the use of the plane, but I was on the RV so much that the broken drawer drove me crazy. I even lost an iPad around a corner on the RV.”
Senator McCaskill believes a squeaky drawer and a busted iPad justify taking an expensive private plane on a supposed RV tour. Meanwhile, there are many Missourians who can’t even afford an iPad in the first place, much less a luxury RV or private jet.

McCaskill’s deep detachment from the lives of normal Americans is reflected not just by her travel arrangements, but more importantly, by her voting record.
For instance, she voted against President Trump’s historic tax cuts, which put money back in the pockets of working Missourians and their families. The President’s tax reform expanded the child tax credit, doubled the standard personal deduction, and reduced income tax rates across the board for the middle class.
Senator McCaskill tried valiantly to defend her use of a private plane. She said she shouldn’t have to apologize for “paying on my own dime to visit more Missouri veterans.” Maybe she should apologize for trying to deprive those veterans of the money President Trump’s tax plan saved them.

Tax reform isn’t the only area where Senator McCaskill demonstrates how out of touch she is with average Missourians.

The Senator voted against President Trump’s immigration compromise in February, even though two-thirds of Americans supported it. She also opposesthe President’s efforts to fix an international trade system that has seen American manufacturing and farming decimated by foreign cheating. This is why Missouri’s net farm income dropped from $3.2 billion dollars in 2008 to $1.5 billion by 2015.

McCaskill stood in the way of President Trump’s efforts to fix the country’s healthcare system that she and her Democratic peers messed up so badly. Thanks to Obamacare, individual health insurance premiums in the state rose by double digits this year
McCaskill may like to pretend she’s not like the extreme members of her party who inhabit Washington D.C., New York, and San Francisco, but her voting record suggests otherwise.

For years, Democrats like Claire McCaskill have pretended to be the party of working people, all while creating conditions that have gutted America’s middle and working classes. McCaskill fought President Trump’s efforts to give money back to average Americans and is fighting his efforts to build an international market that is actually fair for American workers.

Unlike McCaskill and her Democratic colleagues, President Trump is actually working to make America a great place for all Americans, not just elite interest groups and wealthy senators who can afford to take a private plane on a “bus tour.”

President Trump is finally restoring hope to the forgotten Missourians the Democratic Party left behind. Don’t let Claire McCaskill and Chuck Schumer stand in the President’s way of making America and Missouri Great Again.
Hon. John Loudon is a former State Senator who represented Missouri's 7th District.