Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Democratic Response Was So Bad That Even Democrats Can't Defend It

Watch Carville Dems’ Horrible Response to Trump: Colonoscopies More Exciting Than Schumer

Watch as Embarrassed Carville Savages Schumer, Pelosi's Wasted Response to Trump
Volume 90%
It’s so widely accepted that Democrat leadership had a terrible response to President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address Tuesday night that even left-wing political commentators are making fun of it.
After Trump’s impassioned, articulate speech on border security, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer responded with their own address.
However, virtually nobody is talking about what Pelosi and Schumer said in their response — which was standard Democratic pablum. Everybody is focused on their ridiculous appearance.

Pelosi and Schumer stood uncomfortably close together in front of a single small podium — inviting comparisons that were hardly complimentary.
Visually speaking, it seems like the Democrats didn’t put any effort into the production at all.
TRENDING: Hundreds of Memes Mocked Creepy Schumer, Pelosi Last Night. We’ve Got All the Best Ones Right Here

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By contrast, Trump sat at his desk in the Oval Office and sent a powerful message.
Tuesday night, political commentators James Carville, a longtime Clinton associate, and Michael Steele, the former Republican National Committee chairman, joined reliably liberal MSNBC host Brian Williams to discuss Trump’s address on the “The 11th Hour.”
It was clear that even a left-wing network like MSNBC thought the Democrats lost the image battle.

“Tell me why responses are so bad tonight, this Chuck and Nancy visual tonight launched 1,000 memes while they were still talking,” Williams asked.
For a PR pro like Carville, his own party’s performance could only be embarrassing. It was so bad, he didn’t even attempt to defend the Democrats’ response.
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“I don’t think they should have done it and I guarantee you at the staff meeting tomorrow morning, somebody is going to get, you know, chewed out pretty good,” he said laughing, possibly to ease the sting.
If anybody should get “chewed out” it should be Schumer and Pelosi. Ultimately, the responsibility lies on Democrat leadership to provide a compelling response.

Carville tried to use humor to deflect the failure of Schumer and Pelosi’s response.
“They could have given the Gettysburg Address and it wouldn’t have mattered. It was — he didn’t want to be there,” Carville said.
“I’ve been more excited about colonoscopies than he was giving the speech tonight.”
That’s not what Democratic leadership wants to hear from party loyalists.
The night might have featured humor instead of jabs, but even an attack dog like Carvill was unable to deny the sobering reality of Schumer and Pelosi’s failure.

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