Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Frauds, Theives And Democrats. Pardon Us, We Are Being Redundant

Dems Earmarked $500K For 

Struggling Minorities. Instead, They 

Spent It on THIS.

  • 2019-01-02 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
4 2 0  11
Dems Earmarked $500K For Struggling Minorities. Instead, They Spent It on THIS.
New York state Democrats in the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus run a charity to empower "African American and Latino youth through education and leadership initiatives" by "providing opportunity to higher education."

There's just one problem.

An investigative report by the New York Post uncovered in recent years liberal lawmakers spent big on lavish galas, but gave zero scholarships to underprivileged minorities. (New York Post)

The New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators organizes a “Caucus Weekend” — a series of workshops, concerts and parties — in Albany every February for minority members of the Assembly and the Senate.

The group charges sponsors up to $50,000 for a chance to party with lawmakers at events that have ­included Grammy Award-winning rappers and high-profile speakers such as Hillary Clinton and Jesse Jackson.

The Presidents Day weekend bash is capped off with a swanky black-tie Scholarship Gala where participants are reminded that they are “changing lives, one scholarship at a time,” according to the group’s Web site and literature.

But in the last two years there has been no cash for scholarships, according to two sources — a former lawmaker, and a community organizer who has relied on the money for needy students since just after the group was founded in 1985.

The nonprofit intended to raise money for needy students spent $6,000 on limousines alone at last year's soiree.
 Source: AAN


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