Sunday, January 6, 2019

Has The Wolf Been Allowed Into The Hen House?

Freshmen Dems Embrace Anti-Semite, Muslim Brotherhood Sympathizer

  • 2019-01-06 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
10 4 1  45
Freshmen Dems Embrace Anti-Semite, Muslim Brotherhood Sympathizer
Festival of Faiths from Louisville, United States [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) celebrated their first day in Congress with Louis Farrakhan chum and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer Linda Sarsour.

Sarsour praised both freshmen members on her verified Facebook account. (Daily Wire)

"These past two years have been difficult," Sarsour wrote in a post that featured herself and Omar. "So much heartache, exhaustion, pain, losses, drama, bad policy after bad policy YET today was all worth it. Today was JOY. Today was PRIDE. Today was full of laughter and tears. For every lil girl, especially lil girls of color - this is for you. You are our future congresswomen. You are because they were."

When Sarsour posted photos of her with Tlaib, she wrote: "Congresswoman of the people! #MuslimWomenInTheHouse"

Saudi Arabian state media has accused her of being linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that the Trump administration has considered designating a terrorist organization.


Sarsour has also appeared to make pro-Muslim Brotherhood statements on her Twitter account, writing in 2011: "Yo the Muslim Brotherhood knows how to parrrttaaay! So much for radical islamists taking over! If these r - they r da coolest! #jan25 #Egypt"

Sarsour's extremist beliefs are well-documented.

The Women's March she founded intentionally excluded pro-life women concerned about Donald Trump's behavior and viewpoints.

Worse, Sarsour – and co-chairs Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory – have repeatedly defended their association with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Farrakhan repeatedly denounced "Satanic Jews" at a rally last year. More recently, he compared Jewish people to termites in a heavily criticized tweet.

Many, including Malcolm X's family, believe Farrakhan participated in the plot to assassinate the controversial civil rights leader.

Principled liberals have criticized Sarsour and her like-minded companions.
 Source: AAN


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