Monday, January 14, 2019

Jonathan Karl Will Not Be Welcomed Back To The Journalist Club!

Watch As This Worried WH Correspondent Changes Mueller Narrative As He Sees It Going Down in Flames

For at least the past two years now, a significant portion of the liberal and anti-Trump constituencies of the American populace have become convinced that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to “steal” the 2016 election, and are just as convinced that Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation will ultimately unveil that traitorous act and provide the groundwork for an impeachment and removal from office.
The predominantly liberal mainstream media has played a huge role in fueling those beliefs among the people, but even some in the media appear to have begun to realize they may have over-hyped the smoke they’ve been steadily fanning when there really wasn’t much of a fire beneath that smoke to begin with.
To date, virtually no verifiable evidence has been produced definitively linking Trump or any of his associates to any sort of Russian plot to undermine the election, and nothing seen or heard from Mueller’s investigation thus far would indicate that he has dug up any sort of evidence of such alleged “treason” either.
ABC News’ chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl appears to be one of those in the media who has come to the realization that Mueller’s eventual report won’t be the presidency-ending “bombshell” it has been hyped as for the past year, as evidenced by his commentary Sunday morning on ABC’s “This Week” with host George Stephanopoulos.
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Karl was first asked about the reaction of those in Trump’s White House to recent stories from The New York Times and Washington Post that had reignited the Trump/Russia collusion narrative.
Karl replied, “Well, look, the story in The New York Times was an extraordinary reflection of the level of distrust between the FBI leadership and the president, and how suspicious the president’s behavior was … and actually going to the point of investigating whether or not effectively the president was a Russian agent.”
“But what I am getting is that this is all building up to the Mueller report and raising expectations of a bombshell report, and there have been expectations that have been building, of course, for over a year on this,” he continued.

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“But people who are closest to what Mueller has been doing, interacting with the special counsel, caution me that this report is almost certain to be anti-climatic,” Karl warned.
“That if you look at what the FBI was investigating in that New York Times report, look at what they were investigating, Mueller did not go anywhere with that investigation,” said Karl.
“He has been writing his report in real time through these indictments, and we have seen nothing from Mueller on the central question of was there any coordination, collusion, with the Russians in the effort to meddle in the election, or was there even any knowledge on the part of the president — or anybody in his campaign — of what the Russians were doing,” he said.
What Jonathan Karl just did during that appearance on “This Week” was prepare the field for what increasingly looks to be a huge letdown for the left.
Indeed, a significant portion of the left has wholly bought in to the unproven narrative that Trump is a compromised foreign agent who colluded with a rival power to undermine an election and seize power in a subversive manner … and those folks view Mueller as knight in shining armor on the verge of swooping in and saving them from the terrible Trump with a report that will serve as the basis for an impeachment and indictments.
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However, given the manner in which important information leaks out of Washington D.C., it is a certainty that if Mueller had any sort of definitive evidence that could bring down the Trump presidency, that information would have been leaked to the public in some form or fashion over the past year.
Yet, we have heard no such thing, and all of Mueller’s public actions and court filings show that his team has been reduced to prosecuting petty process crimes and other criminal matters entirely unrelated to Trump and his 2016 campaign.

In all likelihood, Mueller’s report will be an “anti-climatic” dud, and the same media figures who’ve perpetuated the “Trump/Russia collusion vs. Mueller as savior” narrative for the past two years are now scrambling to change that narrative and let everyone down easy after they’d helped build up expectations of Mueller’s eventual findings to insanely high levels.

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