Monday, January 14, 2019

This Is Sad On Many Levels! America Is Falling Into The Abyss

Trump Family Learns Vet’s Trump 2020 Flag Vandalized, Send Him Massive Basket of Gifts

Veteran Gets Last Laugh After Punks Vandalize His Trump Flag
Volume 90%
As much as the left likes to virtue signal about how tolerant they are, the facts show otherwise. In yet another case of their “tolerance,” political intimidation has been used to attack and threaten a Trump-supporting family in Vermont.
Among the things done to this family, their “Trump 2020” flag was removed, burned, and left on their porch. When the family of President Donald Trump found out, they were quick to respond.
WCAX originally covered the story of how Burlington, Vermont resident and veteran Gus Klein was targeted. After their story ran and went viral, more harassment occurred. The family got death threats and a Trump bumper sticker was ripped off Klein’s vehicle.
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Gus explained, “I hear on the other end (of the phone) some expletives, profanity, I guess, with the letter F. ‘F you Trump fan, I’m going to kill you.'” He added, “I don’t know what gives people the right that they feel they can get in your own personal property and do something.”
The Kleins were excited about the Trump family response, but time passed and no replacement showed up. After a follow-up call to the family, in which the Kleins explained they never got the replacement, things changed.
The very next day the family got their replacement flag. But that was not all. They got a treasure trove of related goodies, including a MAGA hat signed by both President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

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The Kleins were thrilled. Gus said, “I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. So this is going to be like a family heirloom.”
Gus’ wife, Ann-Marie Klein, kept a positive attitude, despite the harassment. “I still have faith in people and Vermonters letting us fly our flag freely without any issues or problems.”
Gus said that the harassment had left him feeling “fired me up a little more.” He noted that the intimidation tactics had not worked.
Until the replacement arrived, the Kleins flew the burned flag. Once it arrived, they planned on holding a special, public ceremony to raise the new flag and celebrate.
WCAX wrote that “Republicans like Anya Tynio who ran against Rep. Peter Welch for Congress and Lawrence Zupan who ran against Sen. Bernie Sanders plan to attend. There will be a bagpipe entrance as the Kleins raise the flag.”
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In an update to the story, WCAX noted that the ceremony did take place. They reported that public officials from across the state were in attendance.
During the flag raising celebration, some people drove by and yelled at those in attendance. One vehicle was covered with anti-Trump messaging. That car’s driver was given a verbal warning by the police.
As for Klein, he is undeterred by the critics. “The feeling of pride. I have never been prouder to have an event like this in the city of Burlington, Vermont.”
“It was excitement. It kind of gives the man goose pimples ya know cold chills to know that we have the rights as American citizens to do what we want.”
The teens who burned his flag, the people phoning the family with threats, the others harassing the Kleins may think their actions mean they have won. But ultimately, this veteran got the last laugh.

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