Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Seems Equitable To Us


Roger Goodell should resign and appoint a black person as NFL commissioner

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Over the weekend, Roger Goodell lamented the lack of black men hired as head coaches in the NFL. It caused him to send out a memo bemoaning the issue. Moreover, Goodell inexplicably stated “that racism and any form of discrimination is contrary to the NFL’s values” — as if this needed to be said, as if such things are not contrary to nearly everyone’s values.

But Goodell can be the change he wants to see in the league. He has the opportunity to make real change if he truly believes all this social justice "equity" stuff.


I have a dream, that one day, those white people who grieve about a lack of racial diversity at their jobs, will be the first to resign their own positions for the sake of "equity." I have a dream, that every white person who believes people should lose jobs because of their white skin color, will look in the mirror and realize they don't belong in their own jobs.

Forget about hiring black head coaches — let’s have a black NFL commissioner! Tomorrow!

“We have made significant efforts to promote diversity and adopted numerous policies and programs which have produced positive change in many areas, however we must acknowledge that particularly with respect to head coach the results have been unacceptable,” Goodell said in the memo.

I agree. So let’s start with Goodell.

Currently, 0% of NFL commissioners are black. Goodell can fix this. He should put his money (and all the millions he has made over the years) where his mouth is. He should announce his resignation and appoint a black man as his successor.

Goodell served 16 years in the role. He has made more money than any other NFL commissioner in history. He is the highest-paid commissioner of all the sports leagues in the country. He has helped the league expand. He can now cement his legacy by doing something much more meaningful than having "NO HATE" written on the sidelines. He can sacrifice his job so that a black man can have the highest position in the NFL.

This will not ever happen, of course. Goodell’s words were and are nothing more than virtue-signaling. There are no racist practices when it comes to hiring NFL coaches. No one is denied opportunity because of their skin color. Goodell is cowering to a race-obsessed, agenda-driven mob and implying that several good coaches should be fired just because they are white.

So, he will continue to cave and sacrifice other people’s opportunities — all the while protecting his own.

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