Friday, August 23, 2013

Makin' Conservative Tom Homesick!

For those of you who don't know, your venerable correspondent grew up on a ranch where we had John Deere tractors and manure spreaders. So the following post made us really home sick.  We spent many hours on the tractor "spreadin' the manure" that our animals had deposited over the past year.

The same goes for the current administration. They are proudly "spreading the wealth around", however, it is our money that they are separating from us and giving it to those who won't work for it. Those who make money are derided and those who stay home and don't get out of bed are praised. The American attitude toward working hard has been turned on its head.

However, we should be careful for expressions which could be "anti-Obama" are categorized as hate crimes. Remember the rodeo clown in Missouri who was banned for life because he wore an Obama  mask and that the NAACP asked the "Justice Department" to investigate if there was anything racial about the clown? Well, this ain't your grandfather's America.

We expect that agents of the US government will be soon dispatched to Bessemer, MI to investigate this obviously anti-American attempt at humor. We can't have the President and his wife ridiculed for things that he says, he is above that!  We can't have a black man ride in the back of a manure spreader, that is racist.  Nor should be have the American flag disgraced by riding in a manure spreader. In fact, maybe John Deere should be fined for having its products used in an anti-American way.

Wow, have things changed since our youth! To only go back to the time when hard work was expected, the American flag was saluted, Presidents were easy humor targets and the government worked for us. How has this all changed?

Conservative Tom

Only in America, could you get away with this without getting shot.- so far-  Thank God we are free.

Our hats off to the folks in Bessemer, MI. a small community in Michigan's Upper Peninsula,

located near Wakefield and Ironwood, Michigan and Hurley, Wisconsin.
     1ST PLACE WINNER:  Bessemer, Michigan’s 4th of July Parade Float.

For those who don't recognize it, the trailer behind the tractor is a manure spreader.

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