Friday, August 23, 2013

Sorry Obama--Health Insurance Is NOT A Right

Flunking Liberty 2: Obamacare Boogaloo

August 20, 2013 by  
Late last week, President Barack Hussein Obama identified “health insurance” as a Constitutionally guaranteed right. While educated people from sea to shining sea perused the text of the Constitution in a vain search for the previously undiscovered right to be forced to purchase health insurance if so ordered by the President, Obama’s accomplices took to the blogosphere to celebrate the newly decreed “right.” Obama transmitted his proclamation through the White House’s Twitter account.
I have read the Constitution from “We the People” to “…shall have intervened” on more than one occasion, and have yet to find any mention of Presidential authority to subsidize insurance companies by decree. Call it the Eleventy-third Amendment.
The right of the President to impose fiscal burdens upon The People shall not be infringed. Nor shall the right of the President to excuse his kleptocrat cronies from said impositions be abridged, unless the President is a conservative — in which case, all bets are off.
Of course, Obama has made his disdain for the most important document since the New Testament of our Lord abundantly clear. Given the fact that the Constitution was designed to affirm the rights of the individual in a free society and that Obamacare was designed to terminate the same, it’s hard to imagine anyone still harbors delusions about Obama’s attitude toward individual liberty. But this new Constitutional fiat that accompanies the Obamacare Ponzi scheme marks a new direction. No longer content to treat the Bill of Rights as a cage liner for Bo, the first dog, on those long MV-22 flights, Obama has now bestowed upon himself the authority to substitute his own whimsy for the rule of law — hence, the announcement of the hitherto-unknown “right.”
Here’s the hitch, and it’s a doozy: Obama clearly doesn’t understand the definition of “right.” You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to worship the Almighty in whatever way you wish. You have the right to deny His existence, although I’d be doing you a serious disservice if I didn’t caution you against that. You have the right to arm yourself, lest the forces of tyranny arrive unmolested at the gates of freedom — or at your door.
According to the Constitution, you have no right to buy things just because the President demands you do so. The Constitution delineates rights, not requirements. Obamacare’s fraudulent expectations fall squarely into the latter category. Sorry, Mr. President, but you’ve flunked liberty. Again

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