Thursday, October 3, 2013

A View Of a Democrat Who Can't Handle Reality

We find it interesting that the left has come out swinging in the government shutdown talks and using words like "anarchists", "Banana Republicans" and "terrorists" to describe the opposition. Yet if the Republicans used the same rhetoric, they would be attacked by the progressives as being uncivil, mean and out of touch.

So goes the following article by Brent Budowsky, a dyed in the wool progressive/liberal who worked for LLoyd Benson and now writes articles. He misses the issue, the concern that most Americans (at least those in fly-over country) are fearing.  That is an America in decline being propelled into the dustbin of history by an out of control spending program called ObamaCrapCare. We simply cannot AFFORD it, no matter how wonderful it might end up being. (We doubt it, but for the second, we will say there is a possibility of good coming out of this tragedy.) 

We would like to own a 30,000 square foot house with a garage filled with 20 exotic cars, however, we cannot afford such a luxury, the same goes for the US. We do not have the resources.  The country is swimming in 16 trillion dollars of debt which is climbing every day. Adding another trillion (the supposed cost of Obamacare as originally proposed) or two (as the CBO now feels the cost will be)  would be insanity. Yet that is what the left is having its temper tantrum over.

The Tea Party has it right. We can fund the rest of the government but we simply do not need nor do a major of Americans want ObamaCrapCare. And folks, we conservatives are winning the day. The left is escalating their rhetoric and  their use of hate language is an indication they are becoming frightened they might lose.  Just read the following article and tell us if you think Brent believes they are winning the day?

The left is losing and they know their President does not know how to negotiate or to cajole or win people over by the force of his personality. One only has to look at the Syrian debacle. Obama was saved by a slip of the tongue by Kerry which was picked up by Putin, who carried the ball.  The occupant of the White House can talk all day about his skills, however, the Syrian near-war was averted only by luck and providence and not by any leadership in the Oval Office.

Unless someone in the White House can slip up and make a reasonable suggestion that can be welcomed by the Tea Party, this is going to be a long fight. We believe that it will not be settled soon and the President will finally give way.

However, in the meantime, we conservatives are going to be called names and the news media will blather on about the shut down and the devastation it is causing average Americans.  It could all be over if the President gives up on or delays the implementation of ObamaCrapCare and he should consider those options.

Conservative Tom

Harry Reid slugs the far-right bully

By Brent Budowsky 10/03/13 12:07 PM ET
Like virtually every Democrat, like most independents, like a strong majority of Americans, I am fed up with the bullying anarchism of the Tea Party right in the House of Representatives, which could, as I charged in my latest column, drive America into a default that would crash the markets. 
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the Majority Leader who acts like a majority leader, is mad as hell and not taking it any more. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Speaker who does not always act like a Speaker, and who is goaded and bullied by the junior senator from Texas and Tea Party anarchists in the House, has so far submitted to the blackmail of the bully and caused a shutdown of the government of America.
Not so for Harry Reid. He is fighting back. I stand with Reid. America should not negotiate with terrorists, and Democrats should not negotiate with Tea Party radicals and anarchists who practice the legislative blackmail to shut the government down and threaten to drive the nation into default. No way. 
There will be a place for negotiations, after the government is reopened and after a clean debt-ceiling increase is enacted and after the bullies are put in their place.
Reid, the former boxer who knows how to take a punch and throw a punch, is fighting back and standing tall and doing the business of the nation and speaking for a majority of our people. The real battle in Washington is Reid versus the far right bully. The leader is leading. The boxer is fighting. The man of the Senate is standing up for the traditions and values and dignity of the Senate and the good of the country and the credibility of the Congress. 
President Obama is right. Get the government working again, pass a clean debt-ceiling bill and then negotiate going forward. In the meantime, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says our national obligations must be honored. The president has authority to unilaterally extend the debt ceiling without the bullying of the Tea Party anarchists or the bizarre and destructive obstruction from the Banana Republicans in the House of Representatives.
The American people stand with us. The president should act on the debt ceiling — unilaterally if needed. The majority leader of the Senate and former boxer from Nevada is mad as hell and not taking it anymore, and on this great matter he speaking for the people of the nation. 

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