Thursday, October 3, 2013

Compromise--Not A Word That Reid Knows

We received the following from a progressive/liberal friend (yes, we have some but only the ones who will allow us to have a discussion) who forwarded the following Twitter thread. It is:

Can I burn down your house?


Just the 2nd floor?




Let's talk about what I can burn down.



The thread got us thinking about the whole idea of the government shutdown and where the problem originated.  Of course, there will be those who think it was the nasty ole Tea Party folks in the House that caused all these problems. However, we think differently.

The House is charged under that antiquated old piece of parchment called the Constitution to originate all spending bills (ironically ObamaCrapCare did not). They are then sent to the Senate either for approval, rejection or to a conference committee to iron out the differences between the bills.
In the past four years a budget has been created in the House and rejected outright by the Senate. Never once was an alternate budget passed by the Senate.   Therefore, this country is operating without a budget. 

The same goes for the current government shutdown. Bills have been passed by the House and sent to the Senate where they are voted down. The Senate has never passed its own bill which would have forced the two competing bills to be sent to a conference committee where a compromise bill could have been created.

So when we hear the Democrats and Harry Reid say that the Republicans are being uncompromising, we find that laughable.  The Senator from Utah does not want to work (or compromise) with the Republicans nor does he want to produce a budget. And when the opposition submits a bill to reduce spending or defund a financial albatross like Obamacrapcare, Reid has the bill voted down and will not negotiate (which would require compromise) anything that will pass.  He and his friends are the problem.

Compromise requires two parties with differing views to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. However, when one party totally rejects everything that the other suggests and will not submit any ideas (other than getting what he/she wants), there can be no basis for a compromise.  

This occurs in divorces all the time. One party wants the dog and the other (who might never had ever paid attention to the dog) will fight tooth and nail to get the animal. The same goes on for other material things regardless of the value of the trinket. 

A good compromise is a win-win where everyone believes they struck a fair deal. Whereas what we are seeing from the Democrats is a win-lose, more akin to the divorce scenario. They win, Republicans lose.

Until Reid and his cohorts (including those weak kneed Republicans) decide to submit ideas to a conference committee where  a reasonable solution can be created, the impasse will continue. We expect it will be a long time.

We respect those duty bound  Tea Party members who know they are doing the right thing. Rather than destroying anything (as the tweet seems to intimate),  they are the patriots of today fighting to maintain a fiscally sound America.

Our view is that these Conservatives are not  burning anything down, rather they are the ones who are calling the fire department to put out the fire and Reid keeps disconnecting the phone. America depends on the firemen (Paul, Cruz, Lee) and their equipment from arriving while the major damage is preventable. Will they be allowed to do their work or will the real terrorists (Reid, Pilosi, Obama and liberal Democrats) keep firing at them to prevent them from completing their mission?

Conservative Tom

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