Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another Feel Good Failure

Obama’s Anti-Bullying Programs Cause More Bullying

President Obama anti-bullying program fails
Another one of President Obama’s social programs is an astounding failure.
A criminologist who conducted a national study of anti-bullying programs in public schools found that the programs may be doing more harm than good.
University of Texas at Arlington criminologist Seokjin Jeong analyzed data collected from schools in all 50 states, CBSDFW.com reports.
“A very disappointing and a very surprising thing. Our anti-bullying programs, either intervention or prevention does not work,” said Jeong.
Anti-bullying programs were instituted in schools by the Obama administration through the Department of Education. The programs were intended to increase awareness of bullying and to curb the behavior in students. But as Jeong discovered, social engineering programs in schools are not effective against behavior that has been around for centuries.
Some child experts argue that bullying is a normal part of a child’s socialization.
Jeong said the results of his study shows that children attending schools with no bullying programs were less likely to become victims. “Usually people expect an anti-bullying program to have some impact — some positive impact.”
The Obamas have taken a personal interest in bullying prevention in public schools. In October, President Obama created a YouTube video in support of “It Gets Better” to address bullying directed at homosexual youth.
But Jeong says the videos may actually teach bullies more effective ways of bullying and hiding the evidence of their bullying.
He said students might see better bullying techniques in the anti-bullying videos.
“This study raises an alarm,” he said. “There is a possibility of negative impact from anti-bullying programs.”
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