Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Stupid Uninformed Americans Sign Petition To Get Rid Of Bill Of Rights. Notice The Age Of Most Of The Signatories.

Sign This Petition Supporting A Nazi-Style Orwellian American Police State

October 22, 2013 by  
Would you sign a petition advocating for the expansion of America’s “Nazi-style Orwellian police state” to “just watch over everybody and keep them safe”?
If you have any respect for the U.S. Constitution or any concern about the ongoing erosion of liberty in the United States, you likely answered the preceding question with an instant and outraged “no!” Unfortunately, not everyone cares about freedom, and some people will happily sign over any semblance of liberty to government officials in return for the promise of safety.
Media analyst, political activist and author Mark Dice proved this recently by asking San Diego beach-goers if they were willing to  sign a petition supporting “the Police State” which uses “Orwellian” and “Nazi-style” tactics to “keep Americans safe” in this “Brave New World.”
Frighteningly, he was able to gather several signatures.
“They’re trying to cut the budget by 20 percent so we just want to make sure that we can model the police state after the Nazi Germany system,” Dice told one couple who signed the petition on video, before adding, “Thanks for supporting the police state.”
As another woman signed the petition, Dice said, “We need this Orwellian-style system to keep everybody safe.”
“Yeah,” she replied.
One man who signed the petition wasn’t at all concerned about the possibility of government oppression, but he was worried about how much it would cost to steal liberty away from Americans.
“You find the pot of money though,” the man said as he signed in support of government oppression.
In previous videos, Dice has managed to get ignorant pedestrians to sign petitions granting President Barack Obama immunity for any crime he could commit while in office, adding birth control drugs to the water supply and repealing the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constitution while detaining gun owners in concentration camps.
He has also been able to — without trickery — get Americans to sign a petition to “support Obama in repealing the Bill of Rights.”

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