Friday, October 4, 2013

Media-Democrat Cooperation Reflected In New Poll. When The Public Gets Bombarded By Pro-Democrat/Anti-Republican News Every Day, Is Poll Any Surprise?

Poll: Public’s anger at Washington spikes

By Jonathan Easley 10/04/13 07:49 AM ET
The public isn’t just dissatisfied with the way things are going in Washington — it's growing increasingly ticked off, according to a CBS News poll released late Thursday.
The survey found that 43 percent said they’re “angry” at Washington. That’s up from 30 percent from the same poll in March, and the highest percentage CBS has recorded since it began polling the question.
CBS released parts of the poll earlier in the day, which found that the public blames Republicans more than Democrats for the ongoing government shutdown by a margin of 44 to 33.
The full poll reaffirms this in a number of ways – 72 percent said they disapprove of how Republicans are handling the negotiations, compared to 61 who disapprove of President Obama and the Democrats. 
A plurality, 48 percent, also believe the Democrats are more concerned about what’s best for their families, compared to 37 for the GOP.
In addition, 61 percent said Republicans are only opposed to Democratic positions because of politics, rather than ideology.
The Republican position of using the shutdown as a bargaining chip to defund or dismantle ObamaCare is also deeply unpopular. 
Seventy-three percent said the top priority of Congress should be to get the government running again, rather than trying to stop the healthcare law, with 66 percent saying the two issues should be kept separate.
The CBS News poll of 1,021 adults was conducted on Oct. 1 and Oct. 2 and has a 3-percentage point margin of error.

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