Friday, October 4, 2013

Why Are Republicans So Quick To Call Uncle? McConnell Needs Some Good Ole Spine

McConnell: Halting ObamaCare unsuccessful but worthwhile

By Mario Trujillo 10/04/13 10:11 AM ET
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Thursday night it is pretty clear any effort to halt ObamaCare in the Democratic-led Senate will not succeed. 
The GOP leader said, however, it was a worthwhile effort to highlight the shortcomings of the law even if the GOP doesn't have the numbers to overturn it. 
“It is pretty clear now that that is not going to succeed in the Senate where we have a math problem,” McConnell said in an interview with NewsMax
“So I think it was worth the effort, worth highlighting it, but I do think that ObamaCare is not over, the Democrats are going to crack at some point,” he continued. 
Days into a government shutdown and weeks away from bumping up against the U.S. borrowing limit, McConnell said it is “highly irresponsible” for President Obama to refuse to negotiate to raise the debt ceiling. 
Nonetheless, He said he is confident “we are not going to default.”
McConnell described himself as a thorn in the side of the president. Up for reelection in 2014, McConnell said he is proud of the enemies he has made. 
“I’m a thorn in the side to the president, and I’m sure they’d like to defeat me,” he said. “And I’m frankly proud of my enemies. I wouldn’t trade them for any group of people I can think of.”


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