Friday, November 22, 2013

Congress Questions Prime Contractor On ObamaCrapCare. Source Code Says Your Privacy Is Not Protected.

ObamaCrapCare is the gift that keeps on giving. In the following link you will see the owner of the primary contractor on ACA  admit that there is verbiage, not shown to the enrollee in ObamaCare, that your information is not protected and that you should not expect such protection. If this is not a travesty, nothing is.

This buttresses our belief that ObamaCrapCare was never intended to be successful. It will not work, it costs too much and most people are NOT going to enroll in it. Therefore the only choice for our "representatives is that the government MUST (politician speak for doing something the peons don't understand or could comprehend) bring  national health care to the US. It's coming like a freight train at 5 pm. (Better look both ways before crossing the tracks!)

The absolute irresponsibility of the Administration in proposing and instituting a plan so fraught with problems is momentous.  Those in charge, those who wrote the bill and those who voted for the bill without reading it, should all be kicked out of Congress. They are incompetent.

Conservative Tom

Here is the link that should rile you whether you are conservative, liberal, progressive or a non-believer.

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