Friday, November 22, 2013

Obama Has Supporters In The Adult "Entertainment" Business. Actually They Are In The Same Business!

The saying goes "birds of a feather flock together" and this could not be more true for those who support the Obama Administration. His supporters range from wacky liberals who think government must do everything as they are too incompetent to do them themselves and those who love the "free stuff" they get from the government.  Both of these groups together are about 50% or more of the population.

As part of the handout crowd are a group of Americans who work in the world's oldest profession who love the "free" ObamaCrapCare benefits. Oh sorry, it might not be free, it might be expensive and it might not be available to them due to their income. But that does not stop them from supporting the program.

We would like to look back in a few years and check in with this group of ladies and find out how good they feel about their healthcare. We would bet that they will be very disenchanted as most Americans who are losing their coverage seem to be.

Next year, it is estimated that 100 million people will lose their employer paid coverage due to ObamaCrapCare. How many of those will decide that the penalty is cheaper than the insurance. We suspect that number might be close to 50%. If so, ObamaCrapCare will have effectively doubled the number of people without insurance. That is a successful program! 

Successful, you say, how can this program be successful when more people than ever will be without coverage. The answer, my friend, is that this was the the intent of the legislation from its inception. It was NEVER intended to be the answer to health care in the US. It was meant to be a bridge between insurance provided by employers through insurance companies to universal ObamaCrappierCare supplied by the government.

Should the scenario play out as we suspect, ObamaCrappierCare will be announced after the midterm elections next November. Until that time, we will suffer through ObamaCrapCare, its website problems and its higher cost.  

Around this time next year, Obama will announce that there have been so many problems with his signature program that he is suspending it and effective January 1, 2015, a new program through the government will cover all Americans, at NO cost to anyone.  He might even go so far as to outlaw the sale of individual policies entirely.  Hey, he can do it, isn't he a dictator?

So next time you think that Obama will be gone in a few years, you might want to look at the disaster he is causing right now and in the immediate future. You see he and the girls at the Bunny Ranch really do have something in common!

Conservative Tom

Nevada Prostitutes Believe Obamacare Comes None Too Soon

November 20, 2013 by 
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will be thrilled to learn that, while not many people employed in the fields of “photographer or writer” have come forward to sing the praises of Obamacare, it is very popular among another group of self-employed Americans: Hookers.
“And just think, that you could be a photographer or writer,” Pelosi proclaimed in March, “start your own business, be self-employed, as well as change jobs or start a business and not have to be constrained by whether you had affordable and accessible quality health care.
“That’s what this legislation does,” she said.
According to Nevada’s KRNV-DT, the independent contractors who work as prostitutes at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch are very fond of the Obamacare legislation.
Prostitute Taylor Lee said that on top of her being a sex worker, she had a preexisting condition which also led insurance companies to deny her coverage in the past.
“Having this profession, we aren’t exactly offered group health insurance.  It’s hard because I do have a pre-existing condition so I really support Obamacare.  I’m excited,” she said.
Another prostitute, Bella Dawn, said that when she pulled out of her previous employment situation to become a legal prostitute, her insurance provider dropped her.
“I switched professions and I wrote it down and they denied it because of the profession I’m in,” she told the news station.
Caressa Kisses, who also works at the Bunny Ranch, agreed that she and her co-workers are hard up for insurance, “They equate us to illegal working girls who have very high STD’s and AIDS rates which we have none of the above.  We’re legal, licensed prostitutes.”
Kisses went on to note, “I see the doctor every week because it is state mandated.  We’re tested weekly and monthly for blood.  We have to be cleared by health professionals and a physician to work in the house.”
Overall, the girls at the Bunny Ranch feel that the President nailed it with his healthcare overhaul.
“I’m very excited about being able to get a health plan now because of Obamacare,” said Amy Page.
Kisses added; “We’re independent contractors.  We have to get our own insurance but this is truly a blessing.  I hope they work the kinks out and that affordable health care happens for all because it is really needed.”
Their employer on the other hand, believes that the President’s healthcare overhaul is rife with dysfunction.
“I have mixed feelings.  I’m glad the girls are going to be able to get affordable healthcare coverage but as a businessman, I’m really concerned,” said Dennis Hof, who owns the Bunny Ranch as well as a number of other brothels, a strip club, restaurants and a truck stop.
He added, “There’s one common thread. I’m the sole stockholder but because I’m the owner for all these different businesses, they lump them together. What am I going to do? I’m either going to have to spend a lot of money on health insurance because the rates are going up or I’m going to have to face severe penalties, so I’m really perplexed about all of this.”
Hof also extended an invitation to the Bunny Ranch to President Obama and noted that he could probably hook the President up with a webmaster who could fix the healthcare website.

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