Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Iran Will Continue To Nuke Bombs, Despite "Denials."

Iran's Rouhani: Nuke Plan 'Continues Today and Will Continue Tomorrow'

Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 06:46 PM
By Cynthia Fagen
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In a speech marking his 100th day in office, Iran's president vowed Tuesday to continue enriching uranium, despite the historic Geneva deal with the United States and other world powers to halt its nuclear program for six months, The Hill reported on Tuesday.

In a series of tweets, President Hassan Rouhani boasted that Iran got the best deal; the loosening of limited sanctions and the continuation of its nuclear enrichment program.In relation to the nuclear issue, I want to assure our people" that Iran won't give up any of its rights. They "will be defended & remain intact," Rouhani added.
"Some think Iran seeks an atomic bomb. We have never sought any WMDs, incl [sic] nuclear bombs. We only seek peaceful development," Rouhani continued.

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some members of Congress aren't buying it.

Netanyahu condemned the Geneva deal as an "historic mistake," warning the world had become "a more dangerous place" since Iran has been trying to develop a nuclear weapon, according to an AP report in the Huffington Post.

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