Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Two Articles That Point Out The Disaster The US Has Become.

I am writing to you today to point out two articles that need your special attention. These two posts which I just uploaded are special and although on different subjects, show how far the country has fallen. 

The first is on the collusion of GE with the government on everything from elimination of the incandescent light bulb to the crisis of 2008. All this goes on while its Chairman, Jeffrey Immelt, has the President in his pocket.

The second is on how ObamaCare (or as we love to call it--ObamaCrapCare) is being used as a voter registration tool which, if successful, could effectively neuter the Republican Party and give the Democrats free rein to do just about anything. 

The overriding theme of these posts are that we, the citizens of this country, are not in charge. We have no input, no voice and without independent action, no hope.  We are merely the peons who supply the money so that the "ruling class" can have what it wants. We cannot change anything as the cards are stacked against us. It is not a mistake that the country is divided as the old maxim says "...divided we fall."  This is not done by accident, it has been planned and orchestrated by those who want to control us.

Immelt and Obama are two players, among many, who view us as yesterday's Kleenex, dispensable after use. If we get in the way, the court's will take care of us and we can join the millions of other Americans imprisoned for non-violent crimes (??). If we are reporting on issues that embarrass those in charge, we meet with a violent accident or have a heart attack. Those who spill government secrets (whistleblowers) are threatened with long jail sentences if they don't retract.

It takes brave people to speak out as we have become a nation of "sheeple."  We follow the leader, repeating what the leader says, doing what the leader orders and not offending anyone. If challenged our immediate response is to blame the messenger, to call him/her names and to shun them. It happens daily.

An example. Several years ago, I got a ticket at a meter that was not working in a nearby city.  My immediate reaction was to call the police department  and tell them that the meter was not working and that my ticket should be waived. Sounded reasonable to me. However, as I discussed it with my fellow workers, they said "don't do that as they will put you on a list and when you drive through the city, you will get more tickets."  I was flabbergasted. Why would average, not stupid people, be so afraid of the Police (i.e. government) that they would eat an undeserved ticket?

Well, Tom decided that he was not going to be afraid of  his shadow. I called the police, they told me to come in and give them the number of the meter and they would take away the ticket.  I did and up to today (not bragging--just reporting), have not received any tickets from this fair city.

My point is that why should we be afraid of "doing the right thing."  Meters fail and most people know that. The big issue is, why should we no report this failure or be fearful of doing so? Why have we become so afraid of officialdom that we will not report a faulty piece of equipment?

We have been conditioned to fear government in all phases. We fear (not respect) the police, we fear the IRS, we fear the NSA (are they listening or seeing what we write, we fear the TSA screener (what happens if we joke about them), we fear everything related to government.  Why is that?

People usually fear those things of which they do not have control which is the reason many will not ride a roller coaster, for example. We are not in control of our lives as the government can come in and ruin your life in a second. How many stories have we read about police storming the wrong house, shooting the dog, putting the family in handcuffs while kneeling on the floor only to find out that they had raided the wrong house? Of course there never are any apologies or reimbursement of damages forthcoming from the offending officers or department.  So why should we not fear the police.

We fear the government as it no longer represents us but has become an overseer of us. We are its slaves, they are our master. Have you ever asked your Congressman for help  and received any? Most times you might not hear anything and once in a while get a  form letter that talks blandly about what the Congress person is doing on your behalf, in other words a promotion letter for the officeholder.  This is NOT representative government!

Our government no longer represents us, it no longer is our servant. It has become the very thing that our Founding Fathers fought against. A dictatorial, top down, monstrosity that does not care for its citizens but rather views them as a necessary evil, a fly buzzing around their head as they eat the spoils of government.

These articles today show me how far the country has fallen. Can the disintegration be curbed? Can we once again regain the "American spirit" that build this country? We fear the answer is no. We have too many people who are feeding at the trough of government largess and not enough producers. We have too many citizens who are more concerned about the latest football score or celebrity gossip to look up from their drug of choice to notice the decline.  

Yes, it is a sad diagnosis, one that scares me to write as we love this country and three generations of my family have served in the military in its defense. However, we fear the best days are over and all that is left is the last gasp. Folks, we are close. Better prepare for much worse days ahead.

Please read the articles and let us know if you agree with us. Thanks

Conservative Tom

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