Saturday, December 21, 2013

2019 Lead Bullets Illegal In California. Is This The Way You Get Gun Control, Eliminate The Bullets?

Sneaky Attempt At Gun Control: California Bans Lead Ammunition, Then Calls It ‘Public Health’ Bill

Way to go, California. Not only have the libertard idiots in the state been able to push through a bill that outright bans all lead ammunition, but they have also been able to disguise this as a public health bill! It is really rather amazing that anyone still believes or listens to these folks any more. They are now sneaking gun control into supposedly innocuous public health bills. I guess they are hoping that people will not notice until after it is too late and there is no more second amendment in the state of California!
The libertards in California are basically trying to manipulate the fight against gun control in their favor. This is an all-out ban on lead ammunition. AB 711 now bans the use of lead bullets, even in hunting. In fact, some of the proponents of this law have actually said that their purpose was to have hunters take a more ‘green’ approach to their pastime or avocation. I suppose that is an interesting way of putting things. So, now the new approach is to merge environmentalism with gun control. Interesting indeed.
This bill was signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown back on October 11th. Honestly, I really do not get California voters. Jerry Brown was governor years ago and he nearly destroyed the state…then, he is elected again when the finances of the state are in bankruptcy. Maybe they just feel that he cannot do any further damage. This law is proof that they were wrong. He can continue pushing a very liberal and left-wing agenda.
You will like this. The writer of the bill has claimed that they are simply trying to do a public service with this bill. After all, we should all be concerned with how certain things damage the environment. Lead is one of those things. This is part of why lead has been removed from things like paint, children’s toys, cooking utensils, and even water pipes. Sure, makes sense. We cannot have kids putting lead in their mouths, so we must ban those nasty lead bullets. After all, soooo many children have gotten sick from taking bullets out of the drawer and putting them in their mouth, right? How many…it should certainly be somewhere near the horrific number of kids who got sick from eating lead based paint on houses and in their toys? Guess what, not even a single child has gotten sick from the lead in bullets! Yet, this is considered a public safety issue to the idiots in charge of California!
Gun rights advocates correctly see this as a ploy to ban hunting altogether. Some have even postulated that within 5 years of going into effect, there will be no more hunting within the state of California. This bill is scheduled to go into effect in July 2019. Hmmm, I wonder why they waited so long for it to become effective?
Perhaps Obama could be taking notes on this. Maybe he will decide to try and send one of his Democratic henchmen or women to push laws through Congress that are claimed to be ‘public health’ bills and then sneak in some gun control elements. Naw, he won’t do this. He would rather just issue a unilateral mandate saying something to the effect of now there will be no more lead used in ammunition, just as he has done when dealing with ObamaCare.
What do YOU think? Is this just simply a sneaky attempt by liberals to add more gun control to the legislative mix? Will a law like this have far-reaching effects? Do you think that other liberal states and maybe even the federal government will start trying thing like this?

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