Saturday, December 21, 2013

Guns Again Save Lives. Gun Haters Want You To Cower Rather Than Defend Yourself!

Cleveland Homeowner Sends One Burglar to Prison, Other to Grave

Gun reported Wednesday that a pair of burglars picked the wrong house Tuesday morning. You guessed it: the homeowner was armed.
According to the report, 24-year-old Everton Mosby was approached by 20-year-old Robert L. Brown and 27-year-old Willie R. Riley at about 2:30 a.m. outside his Cleveland home. They forced him inside, where they beat and pistol-whipped him.
What they apparently didn’t count on was that Mosby was licensed to carry a concealed weapon. He managed to get a hold of it and, when he did, they received a good lesson in why it’s not only wrong to rob someone’s home, but dangerous.
As noted in the story, Mosby fired at both men. Riley was struck in the knee and arrested after he received medical treatment. It’s not clear where he hit Brown, who was pronounced dead on the scene.
Of course, every time a report surfaces in which an armed civilian defends himself, he seems to always win.
Take this knockout game player who will have a year in prisonto heal from his gunshot wounds after choosing an armed man as his target.
Or read this story about a Pennsylvania veteran who killed two convenience store robbers after they drew their guns.
And consider this New Hampshire clerk who scared off a robber by simply drawing his gun.
It seems criminals are no match for an armed victim. Just don’t tell that to your liberal buddies, though. They’d prefer victims to cower and do whatever the man with the gun tells them so they can hopefully survive long enough to call the police afterward and…maybe…catch this “victim of society” later.

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