Saturday, December 21, 2013

Democratic Mantra--Forget ObamaCrapCare, Concentrate On Income Inequality. Will This Work For Them In 2014?

Democrats Sealing Their Own Doom In 2014

The democrat’s mantra for 2014 is: forget ObamaCare; focus on income inequality. While it just makes sense to distance themselves from the disastrous Affordable Care Act, putting all of their eggs in the economy basket is political suicide. By campaigning on their record of job creation, the democrats are gifting both houses of Congress to the Republicans.
The problem for democrats is that they really have no idea how a successful economy works. They think that by expanding federal programs and taxing businesses they can close the income gap. Nothing illustrates this delusion more than Senate Majority Harry Reid’s comments during a Capitol Hill news conference on Thursday.
“There is no greater challenge this country has than income inequality, and we must do something about it,” said Reid as he vowed to pass a $25 billion extension of government benefits.
The “social safety net” or government handouts do not create prosperity; jobs and opportunities do. People caught in this net of reliance upon the government will never improve their station in life. There is no incentive to succeed and they are forever trapped in poverty.
Sen. Chuck Schumer is downright cocky as he predicts that income inequality will be such a powerful campaigning tool that it will nullify the negative aspects of ObamaCare. He said the GOP will get put on notice as he and the democrats roll out expanded government services.
“Issues like job creation, minimum wage, and unemployment insurance are going to weigh on the minds of voters far more than Obamacare by the time the 2014 elections roll around,” said Schumer.
Okay, let’s pretend that like that is true. We’ll create a fantasy world where the millions of people getting screwed by the ACA suddenly don’t care about it and are more interested in job creation. Now, let’s look at the democrats record for job creation. Oops, there is none. The only new jobs that have been created since Obama’s reign of terror started 5 years ago are government and fast food jobs. Burger flippers are not going to close the income gap.
“[Income inequality] is growing and the middle class is more frustrated with it. It’s huge. It’s huge. It affects many more people. Seventy-five percent of all people have insurance and they’re basically happy with it. When middle-class incomes decline, it affects the broad majority of Americans,” said Schumer.
It is agreed that declining middle-class incomes affect America, but Schumer seems to be forgetting that liberal policies are responsible for the destruction of the middle-class. Thinking that the people he’s f*cked over for years are suddenly going to vote for more of the same is pure insanity. Plus what’s with that “75%” comment. It seems like an admission that most Americans oppose ObamaCare.
If the democrats were serious about job creation they would be talking about less taxes, less regulations, and better trade agreements. You know, the business-friendly things that promote growth and prosperity. Instead, all they can come up with is bigger government and more handouts. What they are actually banking on for the 2014 elections are more government dependants. They’re hoping that enough people won’t bite the hand that feeds.

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