Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cut Veterans Benefits But Not Aid To Illegal Immigrants!

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.
Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan brokered the budget deal, which will cut military pensions by $600 million each year for the next 10 years. Meanwhile, no changes have been made after the 2011 discover that “individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States” and therefore did not have a valid Social Security number were still able to obtain billions in Additional Child Tax Credits by filing returns with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
“Removing this unbalanced treatment of our military retirees ought to be one of the key actions we should take before this legislation moves forward,” said Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions. Greater savings than this can be achieved by passing a legislative fix … that would stop the IRS from improperly providing tax credits to illegal aliens.”
The vote is just the latest example of military veterans being attacked by Democrats. New York State Sen. Chuck Schumer announced yesterday that military veterans will have their retirement benefits cut by 1% starting next year, but that Senators and other government officials will not need to do this.

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