Thursday, December 19, 2013

illegal Voting Should Be Illegal Regardless Of Who Does It.

Illegal Aliens Voted For Obama In 2012 Presidential Election

Illegal Aliens Voted For Obama In 2012 Presidential Election

Although Democrats continually try to downplay the issue of voter fraud, it’s been confirmed that illegal aliens cast ballots in support of Obama during the last Presidential election. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) announced yesterday that 17 non-citizens illegally voted in the last election and could potentially face prosecution for it. Husted also confirmed that 274 non-citizens remain on voting rolls in the state.
“I have a responsibility to uphold election law, and under both federal and state law you must be a citizen to vote,” saidHusted. “Now that we have the ability to cross-check citizenship information with Ohio’s voter rolls, I will continue to be vigilant and to push the General Assembly for additional tools to modernize our elections systems, making it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”
Although the illegal votes would not have made affected Obama winning Ohio in the last election, the fact that Ohio remains one of the key swing states during election season could potentially impact the 2016 election if this is not properly addressed. The voter cleanup also involved removing the names of 257,000 dead people who were still listed as active voters and contacting 370,000 Ohio voters who relocated to update their contact information.
Ohio native Melowese Richardson is currently serving five years in prison for casting votes under the name of her sister, who has been in a coma since 2003, in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. A Cincinnati nun also pleaded guilty to illegal voting as part of the ongoing investigation.

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