Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Peaceful Religion Of Islam Demands Criminalization Of Anyone Who Criticizes It!

Muslim Group Wants The West To Criminalize Criticizing Islam

A Muslim group – itself known for sexism and intolerance – has called on the Western world to make criticizing Islam a crime.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), based in Saudi Arabia, has released a 94-page document on “Islamophobia” that suggests saying the following things should be felonies: “Islam is an inherently expansionist religion,” and suggesting that Muslims are inclined toward violence.
In the OIC’s Cairo Declaration of Human Rights, there’s no respect for freedom of religion and it repeatedly claims all laws come from Sharia Law. In fact, Sharia law is mentioned no less than 15 times. Every right – every statement – comes with the caveat that it comport with Sharia law. It demands that there be “no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Shariah.”
This would include blasphemy laws, which make “insulting Islam” punishable by death — laws the OIC wants to bring all Americans under.
It complains they play a “negative role” by propagating “stereotypes and misperceptions about Islam.” Specifically, it doesn’t like reporting on the “radicalization” of Muslims, arguing that Islam does not radicalize Muslims to the point where they commit terrorist acts.
Yeah, tell that to the terrorist who last May hacked to death a British soldier in London. At his sentencing this month, Michael Adebolajo said he did it to “make it to paradise.”
The OIC also demands non-Muslim nations observe all Muslim holidays. How is this not “expansionist”?
If the Islamofascists want to curb criticism of their faith in non-Muslim countries, they should rein in their supremacist attitudes as well as the hordes of terrorists who give their faith a bad name.

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