Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Duck Dynasty Wins Another. First, Cracker Barrel, Then Twitter, When Will A&E Apologize?

Twitter Apologizes For Censoring

Phil Robertson
It seems as though corporate America would like to learn things the hard way, at least in matters relating to Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s recent controversial comments about homosexuality.
First, we saw Cracker Barrel pull Duck Dynasty merchandise in response to Robertson’s comments. Then, after realizing that Cracker Barrel customers are far more likely to be rural, southern people as opposed to gay rights advocates, the company did an about face and restored Duck Dynasty merchandise to its store shelves.
Yesterday, it was revealed that Twitter was censoring tweets that included the domain We are certain this was happening because we actually tried to tweet our own article about the subject on Twitter. Unfortunately, the title included the domain name ( and Twitter wouldn’t let us. So, we had to change the title on the fly just to tweet a link to the article.
Well, Twitter learned the hard way, just like Cracker Barrel did, that Phil Robertson has quite a lot of friends. Twitter has no apologized for censoring that domain.
We wonder how long it will take A&E to learn its lesson the hard way. As of this writing, Phil Robertson is still on hiatus after his recent remarks about homosexuality were made public.
Have a look at the video below.
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