Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Will 2014 Be Better Or Worse For The Dictator?

The Obama Presidency: Prospective and Retrospective

With 2013 drawing to a close, Washington is abuzz with a two-part discussion: will 2014 be a better year for the Obama Presidency, and was 2013 the worst year so far for the Obama administration? President Obama shows optimism as the country prepares for 2014. “I firmly believe that 2014 can be a breakthrough year for America,” the President said in a press conference on Friday.
On Meet the Press this week, former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs saw the potential for 2014. “I will say this. If the economy continues to grow as we saw it grow in the third-quarter at 4.1 percent, he might do that press conference with whiskey celebrating the fact that the economic boom has really come.”
However, his statements came after he said that 2013 was undoubtably the worst year so far. ”No doubt about it. I would say this is the worst year for the president,” Gibbs stated. “But — well, and especially given from where he started, the fact that the first year of his second term is historically the most productive of the second term.” New York Times columnist, David Brooks, agreed. “The big Obama project is to make government seem effective. And the healthcare rollout and even on the government shutdown, the government looked really ineffective this year.”

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