Friday, January 10, 2014

A Client Story

A client of mine with six children tried to get coverage from the ObamaCrapCare website. Initially, this person had gone on the estimator and was told that the subsidy would be over $300, so they applied.  After being kicked off the site four times, re-entering all the information again,  answering stupid questions (for example: Does your son need maternity coverage? Does your son have a job that offers insurance?  --The child is 3 years old) this client gets to the end and is told that the subsidy will be $34!  Oh, let's not forget that they spent 8 hours getting to this point!

They were applying to save a few bucks over their Cobra coverage.. Obviously this plan does not save them any money so they will be staying on the alternative coverage until later this year when it expires.

This event occurred this week, January 8, 2014, not three months ago.  It only tells me that the website still has major problems and we the people are being misled. 

We can only conclude thatObamaCrapCare aka Outrageously Expensive ObamaCrapCare was designed to end all private insurance in this country by poor design, misleading answers, extensive delays and yet to come, insurance company denials. The denials will be due to the fact that the government is not forwarding the information to the insurance companies and therefore they will assume they are not providing coverage for the patient. 

In the next 11 months all we are going to hear from the government is that the website is working fine but the insurance companies are not cooperating, denying coverage and must be taken out of the equation. Right after the election, it will be announced that all persons with individual coverage will be transitioned to Medicare (or some other government entity) and all private insurance for individuals will end. Then sometime in 2015, all insurance coverage (save those for unions, government employees, congressional staff and Congressmen/women) will move over to this new entity.

We may be wrong on the timing, however, it is going to happen whether the American people want it or not!

Conservative Tom

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