Friday, January 10, 2014

Chris Christie's Explanation Of BridgeGate

The governor made his outrageously long press conference yesterday and it made several points. The first is that he did not know about the "email" sent to management of the bridge which resulted in massive traffic jams. Secondly that he did not know about it until a couple days ago. Thirdly, that he had fired one adviser and had removed another from a very profitable post with the Republican Governors Conference.

OK, he tried to put the best face on the controversy, however, we think there are other things afoot. First of all, we heard about  BridgeGate several months ago. Where has the Governor been? Is he that removed from the loop? The closures occurred the first week of school, why has it taken him such a long time to react?

Secondly, why have a press conference that goes on  F O R E V E R. Get on the stage, make your statement, answer ten questions and move on.  After a while answering the same question over and over is meaningless.

Thirdly, did he really fire his aide or did she fall on her sword for him? We will find out soon. If she never is employed again as an assistant, then she was fired, however, we suspect she will show up somewhere else. To us this will indicate  that she was trying to protect her boss.

Our belief is that Christie either knew or gave a wink of approval for the bridge slowdown. It probably was in retribution to the Mayor of Fort Lee not endorsing him.  Petty politics, but things like this happen all the time. If we are correct, the facts will come out and Christie will be cooked. His political ambition to become President (although he denies it) will be over.

The timing of this event is also very interesting. Why would it be four months after the bridge slowdown? Have the powers to be held it until they needed to distract us from the bad news for the President?  

Former Secretary of Defense Gates' book hits the news stands in which he criticizes the Administration and especially Obama and Biden. All of a sudden BridgeGate jumps into the headlines and the book is buried. Irony, Coincidence or planned event?  We don't know, but it does make one wonder.  

Additionally, with Christie buried as a Presidential candidate, it clears the way for Hillary or any other Democratic candidate. He was probably the strongest contender for the GOP and now he has been emasculated. 

The relevations  of BridgeGate did two things. It protects the White House and it removes the strongest Republican prospect. Looks like a two-fer to us!

Conservative Tom

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