Friday, February 14, 2014

Americans Are Wimps When It Comes To Muslims. If Things Don't Change America Will Be A Muslim Country In Less Than 50 Years

Boston University Caves to Islamic Supremacist Demands

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Check out how Boston University officials turn themselves inside out to accommodate Muslim demands. Muslim supremacists said that taking down the US from within would be easy – they were right. Remember this is Boston, as in the Boston Marathon bombing — Anne works at Boston University (thanks to Inba):
I work at a university library in Boston, Mass., and books are shelved according to the Dewey Decimal System, not by title or “importance”. Muslim students (most of them from abroad) told administrators that they were offended because the Koran wasn’t given a place of honor on a top shelf, as dictated by Islamic law and custom.
Library staff were then ordered to shift entire sections of books in the stacks so that the Koran could be “honored” appropriately.
This is absurd; we do not live in a Muslim country, nor is ours a religious school. We treat the Koran, the Bible, Hindu texts, Buddhist texts, etc. with the same respect we show to all our books, yet Muslim students miss the point. Non-Muslims are expected to follow local custom when visiting Muslim countries, which is fine, yet many Muslims insist that their ways be followed in non-Muslim countries too.
Why is it that Muslims in Western countries wail and complain about everything ….. except Islamic terrorism?
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