Monday, February 17, 2014

We Must Learn To Think For Ourselves Rather Than Take In The Prepackaged Drivel The Media And Politicians Give Us!

Every day, we feel like we are on the outside looking into a country, a nation and a world that makes no sense. We have asked ourselves "are we crazy, weird or just completely out of touch" with the rest of the American public.

So when we read the following article by Bob Livingston, we realized, that we are normal and the vast majority of Americans (and most of the world for that matter) are acting like a herd.  Herds get herded into pens, controlled like cattle going to the slaughter. This is America today.

We listen to our "leaders" who are the cattle rustlers of old. They push and prod us until we go along with them. Every once in a while we go on a stampede (like the 2010 elections) but before long they have us all under control again and things return to normal. The herd is moving in the direction the cowboys want us to move.

Our news is nothing more than reinforcement of the things the government wants us to hear. Rarely do we hear conflicting opinions. 

The political machines have made it nearly impossible for a third party candidacy allowing the two major parties to control the direction of the country. To those who think there is a difference between the parties, you need to go back and examine their stands on many issues. They are virtually the same. 

If someone speaks against the status quo, they are branded a rebel, a wacko and someone who could not be trusted with the reins of government. Aren't the best ideas those which solve a problem and more importantly look at the solution from a different direction?  We think so.

Our government is a rigged mechanism where the outcomes are pre-determined by the ruling class.  We have little if no impact on those decisions no more than a palm tree can withstand a hurricane.  

The problem is that most people do not realize this. They still believe that they can have some impact on Washington by, for example, writing their congress person.  We have done that also. The response is a boiler plate prepared letter that does not address your concerns.

Several years ago, a client and friend of ours emailed her Senators and Representatives on the subject of getting help to get qualified for Social Security after she suffered a devastating stroke. She was unable to walk or function. Her "representatives" wrote back polite letters about their concerns with the Social Security system and how hard they were working to make sure the system could be preserved for future generations. Huh? They did not answer her nor did they address her issue.  Why? Because they don't give a rats behind about her, you, or anyone but themselves.

It seems the system is out of control and not the representative republic the Founders created in 1783.  What can we do?

The only way of getting our government back is to completely dismantle what is our government today. Initially, term limits must be instituted. This will get rid of the "job for life" that many of the Washington crowd lives on. We need doctors, farmers, truck drivers and other ordinary people to run our government. People who have met a payroll and who know how federal rules effect the common citizen.

Secondly, we must prohibit representatives from getting jobs on K Street as lobbyists for 30 years after their term. No more cushy job offers after serving in Congress.

Thirdly, we need to have single subject bills, no more 3000 page monstrosities which no one has read before they vote on them. No extraneous amendments. No "Bridge to Nowhere" contained in a military spending bill. Additionally, these bills must be on the internet for 30 days before a vote. Lastly, every representative must sign a statement that they have read and considered this bill, under penalty of perjury.  

Lastly, every agency (TSA, NSA, FBI, EPA, FAA, etal) must stand for re-authorization every ten years. At the hearing to determine it will be around for another period, those in charge must demonstrate the accomplishments of the past ten years, how they met the goals at the prior re-authorization and goals for the next ten years against they will be judged.  Additionally, all agencies must show they are doing a unique service that could not be accomplished by other parts of the government.  Maybe then we can get rid of some of the obese, duplicate agencies that only suck up valuable dollars.

Can we institute this small list? Probably not. The media will wring its hands and show mock concern for the dramatic change in America, the pols will fight it with all their will and the public will not become involved as it interferes with their watching of "Dancing With The Stars" or whatever other pablum their minds are dining on.

So we who are on the outside looking at this country can only say, "it's been a fine ride" and watch the nation go over the cliff. The time is near, the country is in peril and the government has jammed its foot on the accelerator.  There will be NO retreat from the impending disaster. Most are not listening and those who are, cannot be heard.

Conservative Tom

Decoding The Political Message: Politicans, Governmentspeak and Brainwash

February 17, 2014 by  
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Decoding The Political Message: Politicans, Governmentspeak and Brainwash

Politics is a con game of misdirection and subterfuge.
The game is run by politicians, bureaucrats and the mass media operating as a front for the government and the elites. While most did not see it, last week’s votes on the “debt ceiling” in Congress was an example of the game on display.
Governments and politicians mask their agendas and create illusions to deceive, misrepresent and misdirect. The story out of the House of Representatives is that Weeper John Boehner and a handful of his caucus fell on their swords to give President Barack Obama a “clean” debt ceiling bill. That act was followed by a small number of Republican Senators, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, doing likewise.
This has prompted howls of protests from Republican voters. They have called for Boehner’s head and vowed to defeat him and McConnell and other “traitors” to conservatism who voted to give Obama a blank spending check.
Republican voters—those who consider themselves Tea Party members, fiscal conservatives and Constitutionalists—operate under the misperception that replacing current Republican leadership in the next election will somehow alter the direction of government. They say this despite the wealth of evidence demonstrating that no matter which of the two political parties possess the upper hand at the moment, the nation’s budget grows, the “debt ceiling” must be raised, so-called social “entitlement” spending increases and military adventurism continues apace.
No political promise to eliminate Federal alphabet soup agencies, reign in “wasteful spending”, streamline government or cease foreign “nation building” has ever come to meaningful fruition. In governmentspeak, “cuts” simply means a reduction in the growth of a program or agency. Those cuts are always quickly reversed (see the sequester). There are never any real or substantive cuts as Americans perceive them.
It is the nature of governments to perpetually grow, and the nature of politics and politicians is for wealth and aggrandizement. Politicians and bureaucrats represent government and the political system, not you. (The same can be said for judges, prosecutors and lawyers.)
Governments, bureaucrats and politicians look upon the public as a herd that should be deceived and led for the benefit of government and the elite. By and large it works because the vast majority of Americans go along with the system. Its social and moral depravity prospers under the cloak of democracy.
Democracy is an organized system of political, moral and social control. It is the evolution and fulfillment of all systems gone before. It is the New World Order to perfection for the ruling international elite. It is the master strategy of taking human liberty and individualism and transferring them to the group herd that clamors for authoritarianism.
Because of its groupism (and other reasons), democracy was anathema to the Founding Fathers. For that reason they created a republican form of government and guaranteed it to the States in the Constitution. But republicanism has been flushed down the memory hole, replaced by democracy-in-name-only fascism.
Groupism, then, is the hidden strategy to get the masses to give their minds over to the state. This, my friends, is the politics of authoritarianism.
More than anything else, democracy is the psychodrama of worldwide dehumanization. Mass behavior or mass delusions become driving economic or social forces because it is a mindless psychological phenomenon. This crowd behavior is created and manifested upon the loss of critical faculties of the individual. Democracy is not freedom. It is not government by the people and for the people. It is the perfect disguise for benevolent totalitarianism.
As sober individuals, people would behave very differently. But when people are drawn by the passion of the crowd, they become totally irrational. The intelligence of a crowd is always inferior to the intelligence of the individual.
It is a modern illusion that everything is known to everybody because of a mass of available up-to-date information thanks to the Internet and, especially, social media networks. Instead, the truth is that the media consensus is always the opposite of what will help you.
The purpose of the media, the market and politics is to create public sentiment and direction opposite of reality. Public opinion is the worst trend to follow. Most everybody spends their whole existence mimicking public opinion without ever suspecting that they do not think their own thoughts. (Proof of this can be found in the comments section of every Personal Libertyarticle.) Social media networks have exacerbated this phenomenon.
Esoteric change agents know this psychological principle extremely well. The fundamental principle of mass persuasion is to create the herd or group mentality in order to significantly lower the intelligence level — the better and easier to direct and control for the benefit of authority.
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. Mass persuasion and mass hypnosis is fundamental to so-called “democracy.”
According to Bernays’ book, Propaganda, “Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of. In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.”
The thoughts of the public mind become conventional wisdom. There are two words that describe conventional wisdom and they are control and conformity. These terms are self-enforcing. That is, if there is control, there is conformity. And if there is conformity, there is control.
One important thought here: A person’s IQ or education level has absolutely nothing to do with their perception of reality. Higher education is higher brainwashing. Sometimes it seems that the more education, the bigger the fool.
People are obsessed with believing what they have always believed without question. An inquiring mind is required for anyone to question long-held views.
Here are some examples of conventional wisdom. This is what most people believe:
  • That government will not lie or allow an economic depression.
  • That history as taught in schools or history books is truth.
  • That pharmaceuticals sell good drugs that aid cures.
  • That vaccinations bring immunity.
  • That people can “catch” disease from someone else — germ theory.
  • That the cure for cancer is just around the corner.
  • When a child is sick, he needs antibiotics.
  • When a child has fever, he needs Tylenol.
  • Hospitals are safe and clean.
  • That drugs are not poison.
  • That doctors and hospitals do not cause deaths.
  • Guns are dangerous.
  • World War I “made the world safe for democracy.”
  • World War II was for democracy to prevail over tyranny.
  • The Korean War was to “contain communism.”
  • The Iraq war was to find and destroy “weapons of mass destruction.”
  • Paper money is wealth.
They have dumbed us down. They rape us daily and we never question their criminal intentions.
We seem to have no memory, no will to resist, no interest in our own fate. And worst of all, we have no interest in preserving Christian morality. The need to conceal evil is becoming less necessary as the American people themselves continue to become more perverted.
The political con game is all about the transformation of human beings to the animal farm. The message must be decoded on our terms — on the basis of our original politics, our original culture, our original beliefs and our original traditions. Unless and until the game is viewed this way, one does not have the tools to keep from being brainwashed. Until then, nothing will change.

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