Wednesday, April 16, 2014

America Has Been In Decline Since 1950 And Unfortunately, There Are No Easy Ways To Turn It Around.

Barack Obama Made America A Sick, Old Nation

April 16, 2014 by  
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Barack Obama Made America A Sick, Old Nation

This month, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), lectured Secretary of State John Kerry on America’s need to get tough with the world. McCain said President Teddy Roosevelt bragged that he carried a big stick and spoke softly. McCain’s accusation is that the Administration of President Barack Obama doesn’t carry a big stick; it carries a twig.
The truth is Uncle Sam is too weak, too fat and too whimsical of mind to bother picking up much of anything up and waving it about. We have neither the military nor the political will nor the economic strength we once did. It’s as if America has fallen over a cliff, and President Barack Obama pushed us.
It was Obama that promised so much and then delivered far less. It was Obama when running for President that said he would fundamentally change the Nation. And he has changed the Nation for the worse. Whatever your politics, there is no denying that the United States has less influence today than it had before Roosevelt a century ago.
Obama promised to reduce the debt. Instead, he added $7 trillion in new debt, a figure that grows so quickly the fastest computers in the world are needed to track it. So prolific at spending is Obama that America has accumulated as much additional debt under his leadership as it did during the Nation’s first 227 years.
Obama has a record number of Americans hooked on food stamps. He has played the victim because of his skin color. And he has made millions of American blacks feel like they, too, are victims.
Obama was the celebrity candidate who guaranteed to rebuild America’s middle class. Instead, taxes have gone up, prices have gone up and wages for the average American have fallen 7 percent in five years.
And as bad as things are domestically, they are worse internationally. And the reason is that we are being led by the most destructive President in American history: Obama.
In March, an article in American Thinker stated:
When you have a foreign policy of “leading from behind” you lose the political momentum to advance values.
With Obama, it began with his apology tour to Muslim nations which included his bowing to the Saudi Arabian king, a gesture interpreted in the Islamic world as submission. From that point it spiraled downward.

The Worst, Not The First

The birth, growth and eventual decay of a nation are superficially the same as they are for a man. And make no mistake; America is in a serious state of decline. But it didn’t happen overnight and Obama did not make it happen alone, although he has made America a weaker Nation than it had even been since its inception.
President Lyndon Johnson began pulling down America. (One could argue President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did — except that, in the early 1950s, the United States accounted for more than 50 percent of the world gross domestic product and more than 60 percent of every automobile made.) It seems that, beginning with Johnson and culminating with Obama, the United States has been in a virtual state of collapse regarding its social structure, banking system, stock market and dollar. And for at least two decades, many people have seen it coming.
In November, under the headline “The Consequences Of US Decline,” Al Jazeera Americafeatured a commentary from Immanuel Wallerstein, in which he wrote: “I have long argued that U.S. decline as a hegemonic power began circa 1970, and that a slow decline became a precipitate one during the presidency of George W. Bush.”
Wallerstein went on to say: “The United States, for example, may no longer be able to win wars, but it can unleash enormous damage to itself and others by imprudent actions. Whatever the United States tries to do in the Middle East today, it loses. At present none of the strong actors in the Middle East (and I do mean none) take their cues from the United States any longer.”

Age Takes A Toll

Given my recent health scare last month, I have a clear understanding of physical decline in a way that I was incapable of understanding just two months ago. Now on the downside to 60, I took a heart treadmill test last week. I first took one of these at half my age now. On that treadmill test I weighed less than 200 pounds and could bench-press well over 300 pounds. Today, in addition to having arthritis and asthma, I weigh almost 250 pounds and cannot lift a fraction of what I once did. Frankly, time and inactivity have seen my body go to hell. But here is a fact for the reactionaries, the rich and the vain: In time, their bodies will also go to hell.
But the United States hides its age much better. If you will let me stretch the human analogy one more time, the United States is like people I know who go to personal trainers and get facelifts and body surgeries to remove that unsightly fat. And they take tons of hormones to give them that artificial youth: testosterone, estrogen, human growth hormone or pretty much anything they can get from their quack doctors.
Uncle Sam does the same, and Dr. Barry is the quack who will prescribe any short-term money fix that still gives him the illusion of power and gives the Nation the illusion that all is well — that the United States is still the world’s unchallenged superpower, wielding a big stick, in the Mideast if the Arabs need a whipping or in central Europe in case we need to establish land forces against Russia and President Vladimir Putin.
It’s all a lie.
But as long as the Wizard of Oz’s curtain doesn’t get pulled back, Obama can continue with his grand illusions. So for the immediate future the debt will be monetized by the trillions of dollars, and the stock and bond markets will appear healthy from the outside. That is, until a single crisis rips away the Obama façade and the emperor is seen naked, with America left in a state of atrophy.
Yours in good times and bad,

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