Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Causes Of America's Decline

This is a re-post of an article we wrote on December 19, 2012. It goes along with today's previous posting.

We are sad to see this great country decline, yet to ignore the facts is as bad as those who are doing the damage. Awareness of the issue is the first step to making change. Can we do it? We sure do hope so!

Conservative Tom

Some of you might have been wondering where Conservative Tom has gone. It is not that we have physically moved, however, emotionally we are in  a different place. After the election, which we had correctly called a day before (unfortunately), we went into a funk, a depressed state from which we have now recovered. We were so low as we felt this election was the most pivotal since 1864. In this election we, as Americans, determined the direction of our country for the next 100 years and friends, it is not a positive direction. However, we now understand the "plan" and have accepted it.

The decline of America comes from two different yet inter-related forces. The first is the change in the character of the electorate and the second is the way in which the leaders of the United States have treated Israel.

This election said loudly that those who are getting something from the government will cast their vote for someone who will give them stuff. It said that when you give cell phones, child care, welfare, food and health care to name a few, people will vote for you forever.  Rush Limbaugh had it right when he said it was a "Santa Claus election."  People will not vote for someone who wants them to be responsible for their own lives.

Additionally, the constant media support for the President, the polls which were totally inaccurate, the gridlock in Washington, all of which were contributors to Romney's loss. Even Mother Nature got in the act in in the name of Hurricane Sandy. (See our November 5 "Our Forecast For the 2012 Election" posting regarding these events and their effect on the election.)

Since 1950, this country has been on a downward slope. From that time we have not won a war (unless you think Granada or the first Iraqi adventure was a war); at that time having a item "Made in America" was the definition of a superior product; in 1950 we could out-manufacture, out- produce and out-invent any country in the world and our education system was the standard to which everyone strove.

From those days, our  morals have decayed to a point where just about anything (save marrying a horse--but that could be coming) is accepted as normal; patriotism that was inspirational and heartfelt is now false (remember Obama's flag pin); more marriages end in divorce than survive; our country's debt is astronomical and getting worse; Congress and the country are so divided that nothing can get done and being a public servant (i.e. Congressman/woman, Senator) has become a lifelong job rather than a short term public service after which you went home to live under the laws you passed.

 We had no welfare in 1950, the borders were secure and immigrants were required to have  a sponsor guarantee that they would not become a burden on society. Regulations were few and it was relatively easy to start a business. It did not take two salaries to provide a reasonable standard of living. Social Security was funded by those working and not encumbered by immigrants obtaining benefits without paying into the system or those who are able to work obtaining disability benefits because their unemployment ran out. These are just a few of the many changes we have seen.

Would Romney have been able to change the direction? Probably not much. He might have been able to reduce the speed of the decline however, the downward trend cannot be changed in any four or even eight year Presidency when it  has been ongoing for sixty years.

Obama will only speed the decline. We suspect that by 2016, we will have significant cap and trade legislation,  gun ownership restrictions if not being totally outlawed as well as significant changes in a number of other areas. 

In the next four years any successful, growing sector of the economy will be attacked and punished.  The life insurance and property casualty business, oil and gas, technology and fast food will be savaged.  This Administration will attack successful people, companies and industries in order to continue to feed the insatiable desire of the "takers."

If you study history, there are similar declines in great countries like Greece and Rome. It most often occurs when the taxpayers realize they can take money from the treasury. This all started in the 1930s with Social Security the other programs that were created after the Great Depression. However, the most significant event after 1950 was the Great Society programs of President Lyndon B. Johnson. From that time, there has been a steadily increasing decline in the country as more and more individuals transitioned from independence to government DE-pendence.

Other than draining the public treasury, what has caused this decline?  We believe there are two other reasons. First of all, democracies (ours is a constitutionally limited republic) only last for a period of time. Greece lasted just over 200 years and so did Rome. The United States has been around for 223 years since the Constitution was ratified and 236 years from the time of the Revolution.  So our time as a nation has run.

The second reason is that our decline closely coincides with the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.  Since its creation, this Jewish state has been attacked by surrounding Arab States in 1948, 1956, 1967 and in 1973 in full-out wars as well as skirmishes in Lebanon, the first and second Intifada, and Gaza to name a couple. 

The one constant element in all of these events was that the United States forced Israel to freeze their troops in place and later to make concessions for "peace."  The cease fire lines became the new borders from which Israel was forced to retreat.

Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the US State Department has consistently been on the side of the Arabs as they were concerned  we would lose our supply of oil. Additionally, most US Presidents have spoken glowingly in terms of "our best ally" or "the only democracy in the Middle East", however when it came time for negotiations the pressure was always on Israel to acquiesce to the Administration demands so that an agreement might be reached.

Even today, President Obama has told the world that "Israel has the right of self-defense" against the rockets fired from Gaza, however, he has not told his UN Ambassador go to the Security Council to condemn Hamas for raining missiles down onto civilians in Israel.  

We also remember both President George W. Bush as well as President Obama have insisted that discussions on a two state solution start with Israel's return to the 1967 lines "with modifications."  A friend does not demand that their friend put themselves in mortal danger as a precondition to a negotiation especially when the friend "won" the war.

In all of the wars that Israel has fought, it was American insistence that they stop their armies in place and start a cease fire. The unintended message that has been sent by the US is that the Americans will not let the Israelis totally defeat their attackers. 

The only way that Israel will be able to live in peace is  to totally decimate their enemies. A total win will leave no doubt in the mind of any resident of the Middle East who the victor was and what happens when you attack Israel. Ending hostilities prematurely only results in further attacks as soon as the perpetrators rearm. Recent attacks by Hamas are a great example.

Israel was created to be a homeland for the Jews after the Holocaust.  Had the Nazi Regime had not tried to wipe out all Jews, the country might never had come into being. Therefore, there was and continues to be a reason for this country to exist.  

So, why is Israel the reason for the US's decline?  In the Bible Genesis 12:3, G-d tells Avram (later to be known as Abraham)  that he will be the leader of a great people. He says (according to the King James Version):  "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

Is American throttling of Israel, the cause of our decline? We think so. Any regime that condemns or persecutes the Jews,  is no longer. Egyptian Pharaohs  Spanish Monarchs, Roman Legions and Nazi Storm Troopers are all good examples. Are we next in line? We would hope not, however, it is not a coincidence that the timing of our decline is so closely tied to our treatment of Israel.

By its actions, the United States has cursed Israel and we are now being cursed. We will continue to be cursed until we change the ways we approach Israel.

So if we are correct, what should our leaders do?  They should completely re-think their approach to Israel. No longer should it be treated as the "little brother" to whom we can give instructions and expect them to comply.  We should support them 100%.

In addition to taking a different tack toward Israel, our leaders should announce a day of fasting and forgiveness  like the King of Nineveh did in the time of Jonah. They should all don sack cloth and put ashes on their head as a way of telling G-d that we have sinned and  from this day forward we will totally support Israel.  Will this occur? Of course, not! 

Therefore, we believe that even worse things are going to be visited upon the United States. It is preordained (as was the loss of this election and the hurricane) and that very bad times are coming to this country. Will it mean more hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, pestilence, crop failures, riots, insurrection or insect invasions? Or a major financial collapse? Or an EMP attack? Or an actual invasion? It would be presumptuous to predict what will occur but one might expect a Chinese menu. One from column a and one from column b and one each from column c-z.

We have found solace knowing the reason for the election loss, for the hurricane and for other events that are forthcoming.  No longer are we in a funk. We understand the plan. Now it is up to us to make the necessary preparations to protect our family as the United States falls apart.  Are you ready?

Conservative Tom

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