Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Black Conservatives Compared To Nazi Collaborators. Despicable.

Another Low Attack On Black Conservatives From The Left

April 23, 2014 by  
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Taking the left’s attacks on black conservatives to a new low, Illinois Democratic Governor Pat Quinn urged supporters to read a shockingly stupid article comparing black Republican voters to Jews who collaborated with Nazis.
In a tweet that has since been deleted, Quinn’s campaign directed his Twitter followers to aChicago Sun Times column penned by writer Neil Steinberg.
Steinberg’s inflammatory piece suggested that blacks who supported Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner were selling out their communities for personal gain just as some Jewish people had during the Holocaust.
He writes:
Let me be clear: As a general rule, individuals will sell out the interests of their groups in return for personal benefit. It isn’t just a black thing. Jews collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, helping them to round up their own people in the hopes they’d be the last to go. The Republican Party will deny global warming until the ocean laps at Pittsburgh simply because doing something about it crosses the immediate profit of the coal burners and oil companies and carbon spouters who write the checks. No tobacco company has any trouble finding people who, at a hefty salary, stare into the camera and say no, all that lung cancer stuff is just fiction.
Still, knowing this, I had to smile, broadly at Mike Sneed’s item Thursday on Hermene Hartman, publisher of an obscure Chicago African-American periodical, N’DIGO, who pocketed $51,000 of Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s bottomless pail of money and then decided, my God, he’s the man to back, the billionaire with a heart of gold that beats in time to the hopes of the black community. She wrote a lengthy tribute to Rauner’s “fresh approaches,” never mentioning the money she pocketed.
That’s not a “fresh approach.” That’s the oldest, stalest, machine, buy ’em-a-beer-and-get-’em-to-the-polls approach.
Providing a link to the piece, one tweet from Quinn’s campaign stated, “If Rauner is willing to throw his own money away like this, what’s he going to do when he gets his hands on ours?”
Quinn is now courting outrage from both the black and the Jewish communities
“It’s beyond unbecoming of a governor to insinuate that any black person who disagrees with him is a race traitor,” an RNC communications director for black media told Free Beacon. “The only traitor here is Quinn, who, after winning support from black voters in 2010, has failed to create real job opportunities for those who need it most and continues to block children from access to quality schools. There’s a reason why black voters in Illinois are dropping Quinn and supporting Rauner: It’s Governor Quinn’s abysmal record in the black community.”

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