Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nearly 2/3 Of Americans Support Keystone XL. Isn't It Time Obama Listens To Americans!

More Americans Support Keystone XL than Ever Before

April 23, 2014 by 
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As the Obama Administration continues to delay a decision about whether the Keystone XL pipeline will be approved, support for the pipeline is higher than ever before among likely U.S. voters.
According to a Rasmussen poll, 61 percent of Americans support the building of the pipeline which would pump oil from Canada to Texas, creating jobs all the way. That’s compared to 27 percent who are opposed to the project.
Just 32 percent of respondents believe that the project will negatively affect the environment, while 41 percent believe it will have no environmental impact. Thirteen percent of respondents said that the pipeline could be good for the environment.
A healthy majority, 62 percent, told Rasmussen that the project would help to improve the U.S. economy. Just 10 percent claimed to believe the pipeline would be economically detrimental.
And members of Congress, already in the middle of a tough election season, can count on some voters listening carefully to what they have to say about the project as 57 percent of respondents said that the pipeline is at least somewhat important to how they will vote

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