Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Gun Haters Know So Little About Guns And Their Ad Shows Their Ignorance!

Redesign This Idiotic Anti-Gun Ad

April 22, 2014 by  
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Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s newest anti-gun initiative Everytown For Gun Safety was recently parodied in a public service announcement that was designed to look like it was created by a person with very little understanding of how firearms operate.

Pro-2nd Amendment groups who set up a spoof Facebook page resembling Bloomberg’s effort fooled the Internet with this ad:

The Blaze explains:
A spokesperson for the gun control group Demand Action told TheBlaze the Facebook page and image belongs to “cybersquatters,” not Bloomberg’s group.
The Facebook page that uploaded the photo joined the social network on April 17. The group recently said it was working to secure a new Facebook group page after a pro-gun group swooped in and used the group’s name to promote the Second Amendment. …
The spoof ad was so convincing because it usually is true that the folks most interested in banning firearms know nothing about them. After all, we all remember California Senator Kevin deLeon’s (D) deadly ghost gun.
Nonetheless, we would like some of our more graphically savvy readers to take a crack at re-imagining the parody ad using a photo editing program like Photoshop, Paint, Gimp, or whatever you may have at your disposal.
Send submissions in an email to newstips@personalliberty.com, along with a note about how you would like to be credited for your work. If we receive enough quality submissions, Personal Liberty’s P.M. Edition staff will select our favorites to feature in this Friday’s edition.

Here’s an amateurish example of how one might redesign the flyer (language warning):


Of course, based on past contests, we know our readers will do much better.

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